Health and wellbeing programmes are more popular now than ever. What once started out as employee perks for larger companies are now just as common in smaller sized businesses. Wellbeing programmes are now seen regularly in company benefit packages, making them an important aspect of job advertisements and offerings.
When done correctly, wellbeing programmes work to give employees support, incentives and strategies to be able to adopt and maintain healthy personal and work behaviours. The majority of companies do a great job in assisting employees with their health and wellbeing, however, there are some changes that companies are making in order to focus on these even more so.
One roadblock which some companies face is the inability in providing a supportive culture which encourages employees to take part in the services on offer. Companies who have a “do this” and “do not do that” approach often won’t see positive results from their wellness programmes. This makes it difficult for employees to form healthy habits and become excited about the health and wellbeing benefits on offer.
So, with this in mind, what are companies now focusing on when it comes to employee’s health and wellbeing?
Developing A Culture Of Wellness
Incorporating a culture of wellness within a workplace environment is vitally important as it helps employees to practice healthy behaviours within the office. A company that has a strong wellness culture will not only inspire employees to embrace healthier habits but also change their behaviours to healthier ones. Companies that create a culture that’s focused on wellness will improve office morale and productivity as well as employee happiness.
Embrace New Changes
For corporate culture to embrace employee health and wellbeing, then they must also embrace change. A company culture that is resistant to change won’t be able to help their employees grow or take on new challenges. This doesn’t mean that companies should completely change their culture every year, it does mean that they should want to try something different every now and then.
Change can be hard to enforce, but a shift in company culture may well lead to healthier and happier employees. Companies should consider reimagining their cultural values to determine how a shift within them may boost the well-being of employee in the workplace.
Look At The Whole Employee
A company that has an unsupportive corporate culture might only offer wellness services such as flu check-ups and health screening and, whilst both of these are essential to your employee’s health, they should be the only things on offer. To be able to create a culture which is supportive of employee wellness, companies need to look at the whole employee. A well-structured programme should offer resources that cover all aspects of health, such as stress management, nutrition, professional development and mental health.
Support Time Off
Regular breaks and holidays not only promote a culture of well-being within the workplace but make for overall healthier and happier employees. Many employers underestimate the power that time off can have and the health benefits that it can have. Employees who take regular breaks during the workday and take full advantage of their holiday allowance are, in general, less stressed and happier when it comes to their overall work-life balance.
Companies that don’t encourage their employees to have time away from their work are creating an environment that puts employee wellness on the backfoot. Employers who prioritise employee’s well-being will remind them to take breaks and enjoy vacations and definitely shouldn’t expect them to work over their holiday time, either.
Give Employees An Opportunity To Be Healthy
It is difficult for employees to be able to practice healthy working behaviours when they feel like they don’t have the time to do so. Offering healthy choices in the office kitchen or at events means that employees always have access to healthy options and easily accessible water-coolers mean that employees will stay on top of their hydration during busy days.
Putting a focus on the importance of physical activity is also a great way to actively encourage employees to be healthy during working hours. Walking meetings, standing workspaces or gym memberships or fitness classes will encourage employees, in some way, to take another look at their health. Some companies also offer vouchers for activewear, such as funky leggings or sporty swimsuits to encourage their employees to take time away from the office and partake in fun sports away from the workplace. If you want to encourage bonding or team building within your workplace, you can also arrange for workplace workouts and mindfulness activities to take place.
It is essential that companies look to build a culture which supports and encourages employee well-being. Without a supportive work environment in place, employees won’t believe that their happiness and health is a priority to the company. Company leaders should be focusing on creating a wellness and culture programme to make employee’s health more exciting, engaging and part of their day to day life in the office.