In this modern world, fans are on the list of essential need of the humans. Without the fans, we will not get the cool temperature and the world will look little different from the normal world. There are many types of fans. Comparing to all type of fans Window Fans gives more benefits and comfort to us. Window fans are fixed in the natural air blowing side of the home and give the effect of natural air to us. There are some ways to use the window fans to make the home cool. Let’s see the tips for how to use best window fan that could cool the home in a good way.
Choosing the appropriate place
We should choose the suitable place to fit the fan in the home. If the fan is fit in the dusty area, the fan observes the dust inside and the fan will get damaged soon. The window fan should be fit in the side of the house where there is a pleasant climate otherwise the fan will get damaged soon and will not get the cooling temperature inside the home. Even if the fan is fixed in the small children area, they will get to the fan and we will get into trouble by which the children do unwanted things to the fan.
The window fans should be fixed in the comfortable place where the other person should not get hurt and also the fan should not get into problems by others. The correct level of fans should be kept inside the room and the unwanted part of the fans should be kept away from the room. We should avoid keeping the fan in the area were more children gather to play that they will get near to it and get problems with the windows fan. The blades of the fan may cause the problem to the people who are near to the area where the fan is fixed. The inward blowing air of the window fan inside should be kept far from the unwanted smell areas. It may take the unwanted smell inside the room and create the unwanted smell inside the room.
Setting the fan in the window
The window fan should be fixed on the windows of the room. Other than that place if the fan has been placed we may not get the full benefit of the window fan. The windows are the well-suited place for the window fans which should be fixed. All sides the windows should be very sturdy to hold the window fan in it and the fan will not fell down from the windows of the room. If a small gap is found in the window where the fan is fixed, will cause the crack and make the fan to unfix from the window.
The window fan should be fixed as the inward blowing should be faced inside the room and the outward blowing should be kept outside of the room. If the inward blowing side is faced inside the room the papers will not be in the safe and they should be kept in a secured manner. If there is local circulation of air in the room, the fan should be kept off, which the air circulation in the room will affect the fan and makes it stuck. The windows steadiness should be confidential to hold the fans in the proper way otherwise the fan may get the break from the connection of the window.
Choosing the fan
In the window fans, there are some tips to choose it in a proper way. While choosing the normal fans we don’t want to worry about the size and weight of the fan. By it is something necessary to check the size and weight of the window fans before choosing it. The large type of fans is used in the window fans which will be comforted to fix. But the fan should not be larger than window where the half part of the fan suits inside the window and the other will be outside of the window. In this way of situation, the fan may get the breakdown from the window and the whole plan gets collapsed.
Window fans should have the curved wings which can give the more air comparing to the straight wing fans. Four wings will be well suitable in this type of fan which gives more air circulation to the room. The inward blowing of the window fans should be fixed inside the room which gives more pressure to the inside temperature and pretends the bad air from the outside of the room. It also pretends the effect done by the small insects which enter the window fans.
Using the window fans
The window fans should be used in the room when it is hot temperature outside the room. Always the temperature of the outside should be in high level comparing to the inside temperature of the room. If the temperature is cool inside the room, the fan should be off and the fan should be removed from the window which gives long life to the fan. When the temperature is cool outside compared to the inside temperature, the fan will not work in the proper condition. It the good thing to off the fan when the outside temperature gets down comparing to the inside temperature.
The window fan can be used in the summer season which helps more to the people and it is will be the great pleasure to the people. But we it comes to the rainy season, the fan should be off and it should be removed from the window. It will make the fan to work well. Also, the fans should be in the running position for the whole day which shortens the life of the fan. If we detect to burning smell from the fan, we should be aware and stop operating the fan. It may cause some problem for the fan as well as to the person who works the fan. Also, the fan should not put in on condition when it is in no condition level which may cause some troubles. The fan may fall into problems when it gets the need of lubrication. In that situation, the fan should be taking it from the window and get cleaned and lubrication should be done in the garbage and the fan should be fixed in the window.
Window screen & covering the rest of the area in the window
The outside of the fan which is fixed in the window may get into some problems. To avoid that we want to place a window screen in the outer area of the fan which is fixed in the window? This will protect the fan from the pollution that happens out of the home, will be safe from small insects and from animals, and avoid the unwanted people inside the home through the way of the fan is fixed in the window. The window screen should be strong enough to face these problems from the outside.
Fit the window fan may utilize the half or some more area of the window and there will be some area left balance in the window. So, if the balance area of the window is left without any closer it may cause some problem to the window fan. Hence, we should close the remaining space area with the help of some strong things which others can’t break it out.
These are the some useful tips which should be followed to use the window fans effectively for the make cool the home temperature.