Using wallpapers is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to give any room in your home a makeover. Easy to use and long lasting, wallpaper saves you a lot of time and money in the process too. Now, once you have decided that you want to use wallpaper in your living room, you need to also focus on the design or pattern of wallpaper that you are picking.
Diversity is always great, but too many choices can cause a lot of confusion. When it comes to the wallpaper of your living room, you should always have a clear idea about the kind of design you want to use. Being wise here can make or break the entire theme, style and aura of the room. If you’re looking for some wallpaper for your living room, the following are some designs that you should try.
1. Geometric Patterns are Interesting
Many people usually overlook geometrical patterns for more traditional wallpaper designs. While floral wallpapers can be great, try to opt for an interesting geometrical pattern. When used skilfully, they can not only create an accent wall but also give you visual diversity. This helps to break the monotony of your living room and makes it more appealing. It also prevents the room from looking old fashioned or small.
Apart from focusing on the shapes, you also have more fun with the colors when they are in a geometric pattern. Whether you get circles, squares or diamond shapes, the pattern will enhance the colour theme, add visual depth and make your living room look very interesting. Be careful when using geometrical patterns as too many textures and patterns in one room can clash. Using them poorly can make the room look to small. Less is more in this case, so using them wisely is important.
2. Add a Tropical Touch
To make a room look instantly lighter, airy and more summer-y, it’s a good idea to go tropical. Tropical designs usually incorporate vibrant reds, yellows, pinks, oranges and greens with splashes of whites, greys and browns. With tropical, floral wallpapers, you can set the theme of the room. Then, all you need to do is mix and match the right accessories, furniture and more. Tropical themes also make the room look light, airy and cool, which is perfect for the sweltering Australian summers.
Tropical themes can also be added by using wallpapers that show beaches, a sunset over the sea and other landscape pictures. Additionally, how you accessorize your room is going to play a bigger role here. You don’t want the wallpaper to do everything for your room. Instead, mix and match with sea based accessories or other tropical decor pieces that will complement the wallpaper as well. Whether you’re going for deep colours or pastel shades, tropical themed wallpaper can be found in almost any colour scheme.
3. Get a Mural
Instead of getting floral wallpaper for your wall, another way that you can add a point of interest in your living room is with the help of wall murals. These don’t differ much from wallpapers, but they often have interesting images such as a city scape, a forest or even a mural of the world map. These are extremely useful for decorating the walls, not just in your living room but also in other areas of your house.
You can find plenty of murals and wallpapers that go with the theme of your room. Additionally, adding wall murals gives you the perfect accent wall in the room, and you can layer other decor pieces and accessories based on this factor. The best part is that murals can be floral-based or be more complex and bigger, like geometric patterns.
4. Make a Statement
Want to get a statement wall? Then you really need to think out of the box here. Your room is decorated according to the statement wall. In a living room, this can be more challenging as there are plenty of distractions all around the room. From the TV to the video game setup and library books, you need to have a statement wall which commands the attention and also brings more stability into the living room.
With wallpapers, you can easily achieve this feat since it not only accomplishes this task, but it also gives you a canvas to build upon. Much like having an accent wall or a wall mural, you can make a statement, even with a plain wallpaper. Just remember to mix and match and build the room around the wallpaper you have chosen. Making a statement with the help of s wallpaper is also not as expensive as you might have expected.
5. Textural Wallpaper
We mentioned before that playing with textures is a fun way to create visual diversity. You can also use wallpapers to give more texture. You can find many types of wallpaper, which mimic the texture of walls, flooring, brick walls and even marbled surfaces. The end result is visual diversity, and you also get to save money in the process.
Good quality wallpaper will retain the sharpness and clarity of the texture that is being printed on it. For this reason, you can then use it to mimic the material you want without having to dish out the same price. For example, you like marble and want something based on that. You can easily get a marble pattern printed wallpaper. This is cost effective and easier to apply and change and makes your room look brand new.
So whether you are considering floral wallpaper for your wall or any other designs mentioned above, you can easily make your room look brand new, fancy and perfect for any theme, occasion or purpose.