Most writers are trying to produce enough content daily to sustain a living. Some writers just do it as a part-time job. Having the ability to type faster will increase the amount of content you can send out. We are constantly searching rates, while there are many writers who still write with a pen on paper. For the majority of us, we now use a computer for most of our writing. You can write a lot faster by typing, than you would the old fashioned way.
With that being said, there are writers who have not mastered the art of touch typing. This can speed up the process significantly and is definitely worth investing some time in. You can take several courses online to help you increase your typing speed. If you are someone who has a lot of creative flows, you can greatly benefit from this skill. The faster you can get the thoughts on paper, the better.
1. More content
One of the most obvious reasons to learn to type faster is the increase in content. If you want to earn an income from your writing, you will be required to write a lot. This can often times mean more than one article a day. If you are working on a novel, you want to produce more than a page a day.
2. Earnings
The more you write the more money you make. It’s just that simple. If you are doing letter typing, you can get away with a slower speed. For long product reviews, you will need to pick up the pace if you want to make a decent living. Many companies will pay you per word. The more words you have on paper, the more you earn.
3. Customer satisfaction
You customers will be pleased when you return work earlier than expected. This is always a plus. Think of writing as your business. When your customers are happy, you get recurring work. This is going to help you set up a successful writing career. If you are doing audio recording to text faster typing is a must. Just be sure to focus on the quality of writing as well as the speed.
4. Accuracy
Leaning to touch type is more than just typing faster. You learn how to place your fingers on a keyboard. This also helps with accuracy. As a writer, you need to write high quality content. It cannot simply be a page filled with words.
5. Professionalism
Being able to submit content that is accurate and on time, is a sign of professionalism. Everyone wants to work with a professional writer. Building a writing career is not the easiest task, but it is possible. Always put your best foot forward in every project you work on. Always submit your work on time or before the deadline.
6. Less stress
When you have the ability to type fast, you are much less stressed about the mountain of work in front of you. You are able to tackle a lot of typing in less time. Someone who types slower knows that it is going to take a longer time to get the job done. This adds to stress and there really is no room for it. All you have to do is increase your typing speed or find good typing services.
7. Be the best
The writing industry is very competitive. There are so many good writers out there and you have to keep up with the pace. You cannot take any shortcuts when it comes to developing this skill. Stay focused and works hard on becoming the best in the business.
Final thoughts on faster typing
Typing is a skill you will use throughout your life. It’s not just for writers. We need this skill in school as well as our careers. A writer should not be limited by typing speed. Instead, this should be a benefit to what you are trying to achieve. Keep on growing as a writer and practice daily. Before you know it, you will be the type of writer you dreamt of becoming.
Author Bio:
Hollie Carroll is a guest post writer. She specializes on rates for typing services and works as content writer. Writing is not only her job but also her passion. Her hobby is reading and traveling. Her life motto is “Try to do your best and never give up!”.