Nowadays everyone who owns a business also has a website. Getting your hands on the creative and interactive website is so easy that even small business, start-ups, local companies have own websites.
So the question is what’s the point of having such a great website when you are surrounded by so many others? What good is it going to do, if it’s not able to attract the desired quantity of traffic for your business?
In such a situation SEO of your website is what you need. It is of incredible importance when it comes to maintaining your online presence. It can improve your SERP ranking and drive more traffic on your website. To put it simply, if you want more people to visit your website then you need to build an SEO friendly website.
So by now most of you might have understood that you just don’t launch a website. If you want to be at the peak of the search engine result page (SERP) then you will have to invest in its marketing and promotion. And using SEO is the most effective and efficient way of doing it. So here are some of the most important Web Development tips for SEO-Friendly Websites.
Improvise The Use Of Keywords
Well, every 4 out if 5 content writer concentrates on using keywords in their content. However, they limit their imagination and scope of using these keywords on their website. Why just use them in the content? A website has an infinite number of options when it comes to using keywords. They can also be incorporated into the designing of your website. You can also use keywords to optimize the image too. There are various other parts in a blog where keywords can be optimized such as Heading, Bullet Points, Attribute Title on the links, Footer links, File names, Internal links, etc.
Clean And Structured Code
Clean and structured coding is the backbone of any computational function. Furthermore, it reduces redundancy and compilation time. Same is the case with a search engine. A neat and well-constructed code is what that the search engine crawler system prefers. Crawlers happen to be the defined mechanism through which various websites are indexed and cataloged by a search engine. Using complex and unstructured code makes this task difficult for the search engine. This might not seem that big of an issue, however, it can have a negative impact on the websites SERP rating.
Complex code increases the loading time and makes the webpage slow. So as a result search engine might put you at the end or at the last webpage of search result. There are a number of software that can be used to check your website loading speed and also recommend which errors to fix such as PageSpeed Insights, mobile speed tool, etc.
Responsive Web Design
Well if you look at the stats of the number of people accessing the internet today. Then you might get shocked to know that there is a number of people accessing the internet on mobile phone and tablets, rather than on the desktop. Well, this call for a need of a responsive website which is accessible on every platform.
So if your website is only accessible on the desktop then at least 70 percent for your targeted audience might never have a look at your website. Don’t worry you can hire a web developer that could develop a cross-platform website for you. This type of website is easily accessible and available for everyone, irrespective of the device, browser and operating system.
Optimized Images
Like we mentioned earlier, a website page has an infinite number of possibilities for optimization. And using the graphs and Images is an amazing way to enhance the visual appearance of your website.
You might have already seen the website that has a slideshow at the home page. Each image consists of the keyword, that is added at the time of designing of the website. This keyword or text is going to make your website more SEO friendly.
Optimized Navigation System
Websites use a navigation system to visit the different parts of the website. A smooth and interactive navigation system is important to make your visitors stay longer on your website. However, this navigation system must be optimized according to Search engine optimization principles. Often, making it text based so that the search engines can read it easily. Website designers are aware of the Search Engine Optimization and use keywords in the URL for increasing SERP ranking.
Creating Sitemap
If you have a depth understanding of indexing and how a search engine crawl then you can create a sitemap for your website. There two types of sitemaps XML sitemap and an HTML sitemap that can be created either manually or using sitemap tools. The HTML sitemap plays an important role in the internal linking of webpages. Whereas the XML sitemap is used for webpage crawling and indexing. These two features will make your website a lot smoother and faster.
Avoid Unnecessary Indexing
Sometimes we index every page of the website in a hope to reach the top of the search result. However, this is completely unnecessary and must be avoided. So remove pages that are still under development, URLs with the same content, etc. In case you are an e-commerce site remove the checkout area, admin page, junk files, etc.