6 Features to Look for in Call Recording Software

If you’re looking for call recording software for your company, it’s important to choose an option that’s packed full of the features you need. Not all call recording solutions are built equal, making it important to compare different features and select the software that best meets your needs. To help you get started, this article will detail six of the best features to look for.

Call Recording

While all call recording software will allow for call recording, it’s a feature that can vary among different providers. Look for software that has the ability to record all VoIP calls you make and receive 24/7. It’s also a good idea to look for a solution that stores all calls on a cloud server for easy access.

Grouping & Tagging

When you choose call recording software that allows for grouping and tagging, you’ll be able to easily sort calls into different groups and categories. This will make it easy to view at a glance all calls made from a single handset, or to get a snapshot of all calls about a certain topic. Tagging also allows for different tags to be applied to a single call, helping to easily identify any issues.

Powerful Search Function

No call recording software would be complete without a powerful search function that allows you to search through your entire database of recorded calls. The search function should allow you to search by keyword and other metrics, with filters available to help you sort through the results and find the most relevant calls.   


Analytics takes call recording software to a whole new level, making it an excellent feature to look out for. With analytics, you can gain more insight than ever before into your customers as well as your customer support teams, allowing you to make changes and achieve greater success. For example, analytics might show that many of your callers are losing interest and hanging up at the same point of a phone call. With this knowledge, you can rewrite your agent script to maintain interest.

Easy Integration

It’s best to look for a software solution that’s easy to integrate with your existing platform. Ideally, the software should be compatible with popular CRMs such as Salesforce and ZenDesk, with out of the box integration available for easy set-up. If you need a solution for a custom application, you can also look for call recording software that offers a REST API.


When it comes to call recording, it’s of the utmost importance to ensure all recorded calls are adequately protected, especially when they contain sensitive information. The call recording software you choose should make security a top priority so you can have complete peace of mind. For example, you might choose software that secures communications with a 2048 bit secure SSL certificate. It’s also important to choose a software solution that will store your data in the country you’re located in to ensure you remain compliant with legal requirements.

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More than 5-year experience in Digital Marketing and He is working as a PPC & SEO Analyst in a reputed digital marketing agency and still learning new marketing tactics. Also, loves music, travelling, adventure, family and friends.