Everyone loves dogs. They’re cute and cuddly, and it’s been proven that they can give you a longer life span and help with mental issues.
The biggest question then for most people is what type of dog to get. German Shepherds are one of the most popular dogs globally. They have a muscular body that almost makes them look regal. Another plus is that they are one of the friendliest dogs as well.
Before you adopt one, however, you need to become aware that adopting a German Shepherd is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Do Understand Their Specific Needs
One of the biggest don’ts you can have with adopting a German Shepherd is not understanding their unique needs.
These dogs are incredibly sensitive to our moods. They are also more intelligent than other dogs meaning that you should have a training plan in place before they come home.
If a German Shepherd gets bored, it creates problems for everyone involved. Because they can be high maintenance and have high energy needs, these dogs are not recommended for those experiencing a dog for the first time. Instead, it would be best if you waited until you have become more experienced.
German Shepherds love being active and having a purpose. They need stimulation for their minds. One way to stimulate both their mind and body is to enrol them in a dog training school. Classes will offer a great experience for them and you while creating a greater bond.
Don’t Use These Dogs as Replacements
One of the biggest problems for people and their new puppy is replacing a deceased pet. German Shepherds are susceptible to emotions.
When you are grieving for a pet, you are saddened and most likely experiencing depression. Your dog will pick up on that and experience those same feelings that you have felt.
They won’t be able to experience the joy of a new home or adjust if they are depressed and lonely. Instead, wait until you have had the proper time to heal, and then when you feel ready, adopt a new pet. Let them feel the love and happiness from your home.
Do Make Sure That You Bring The Entire Family
When adopting a dog, it’s not just one person that will be involved. Your entire family will be. As a result, you should bring your spouse, children, and any other people living in your house because they will be in your puppy’s life just as much as you are.
A great example here is to think about it like this. If your son loves the dog breed, but your daughter wants a fluffy Poodle, the chances are that your daughter is going to be upset that you chose the dog she didn’t like.
To make this process smoother and more manageable for you and everyone involved, make sure you all agree about what you want and need.
Also read: How Much is a German Shepherd Puppy
Don’t Let Them Think You’re A Threat
You should never let a dog think that they’re in danger with you. Each dog enjoys you looking at them, but not for too long. You don’t like when people are giving you the eye, right?
Dogs are the same. Usual stares are alright, but they may confuse you as a threat if you look too long. Some dogs may snap when they feel threatened, and others have been known to have aggressive behavior.
Of course, this is something that the adoption shelter will tell you when you’re adopting a puppy, but it’s an issue to be aware of all the same.
Do Take Your Dog To The Vet After You Adopt
Some shelters are more equipped than others. When adopting a dog, you need to know just how prepared they are. Some dogs don’t experience great care.
It’s not that uncommon to see a shelter that only does a physical exam but doesn’t bother with anything else. Because of that, your dog could have internal issues that they don’t know about, and you could end up spending much more on your puppy’s care.
Another problem is shelters are crowded because the shelters are overrun. By taking your dog to a vet after you adopt him, you can be warned of anything wrong with your new family member.
Remember that some of the diseases and issues that dogs face can be passed on to humans (fleas, ticks, etc.), and avoiding them is essential.
Look at his record and ensure his shots are up to date. You should also ensure he is spayed and neutered if you are not ready to expand your puppies just yet.
Don’t Introduce Your New Puppy To Too Many People
It may be on your heart to introduce your newly adopted German Shepherd to all of your friends and family, but this is a bad idea.
Your new addition is still trying to adjust to you and your family, and introducing the puppy to a bevy of strangers can overwhelm and frighten your dog.
Another problem is it could scare your dog into reacting badly and hurting someone you love. When adopting a German Shepherd, try to introduce family members one at a time and let the dog get adjusted to each person. That will ensure a long and healthy relationship.