How to Maximize Mobile Marketing to Boost Sales Conversion Rates

Mobile searches lead to some action within an hour. That action could either be the searcher checking out a cart on your website or leaving because it’s not mobile-friendly. Avoid the latter at all costs. Aim for the former at all times.

That’s mobile marketing in a nutshell. Aptly named as it is, mobile marketing are campaigns tailored for mobile devices. And that’s a pretty logical approach. Why you might ask—consider the following facts.

Half of the world’s population uses mobile devices. Every second, nine more mobile phone users join the global digital community. That’s a huge market ripe for the picking. And here’s where mobile marketing campaigns come in. It delivers six opportunities:

  • Dynamic content mobile marketing
  • Transactional mobile marketing
  • Location-based mobile marketing
  • Onboarding mobile marketing
  • Activity mobile marketing
  • Triggered mobile marketing

Sure, you already have a robust marketing portfolio. Perhaps you juggle traditional and digital approaches like a pro. However, if you have yet to incorporate mobile marketing into the mix, you are missing out. It’s high time you do something about it.

For best results, here’s how.

Make your site mobile-friendly

Here’s the first order of business. You cannot mine the opportunities mobile marketing offers at your disposal if your site’s not mobile-friendly in the first place. Requiring your audience to zoom your website in or out to fit the screen just right will frustrate them. That’s counterintuitive to mobile marketing.

There are free themes that’ll get your site mobile-friendly in no time. Go to WordPress if you’re on a budget.

Complement your mobile-friendly site with mobile-friendly content

Mobile users are typically on the go. Perhaps they’re commuting to or from work. Or maybe they’re out running errands. In cases when they’re not literally on the go, they remain busy with the information overload handed onto them online. You need to compete for their attention.

That’s possible via mobile-friendly content. Anchor that to a persuasive headline. Make your content optimized for search engines, too. That’ll give it a better chance of showing up on the first page of Google search results.


Get personalization down pat, and your mobile marketing game will be on-point. Yes, consumers appreciate that you took the time to get to know them and offer them something unique. No, they don’t mind if that’s thanks to data mined from their online behavior.

Be mindful of pain points and individual goals. Knowing those will better equip you in delivering what a customer needs right now.

Get voice search optimized

This trend can be traced back to Amazon’s Alexa. She paved the way for online voice searches. However, mobile users don’t need Alexa. They’ll be just fine with the built-in voice assistants that came with their smartphones. Expect those tools to factor into online shopping more and more.

Anticipate the peak of this trend by incorporating new keywords in the content you produce. Keep in mind that people talk differently from how they type. That means you’ll have to tailor those keywords to voice commands.

Maximize mobile ads automation

There’s no shortage of mobile apps out there. And there’s no shortage of internet users willing to download them either. Right there’s an opportunity for you. Advertise on these apps using mobile ads automation.

Gone are the days when you need to keep track of your ad plays manually. Outsource the job to AI.

Get help from chatbots

Maintaining accessible and reliable customer service is vital if you want to keep your customers happy. However, that eats into your profit margin. Then came chatbots.

Thanks to advanced artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots are now conversational. And they will reply to your customers in real-time. They can even be programmed to send out scheduled reminders for exciting deals and new products.

Level up with augmented reality (AR)

If you have automated mobile ads and chatbots in your business arsenal, then you’re likely already familiar with AI. Now, why not take your marketing game up a notch? Think augmented reality (AR).

Picture a scenario where your customers check out the products you have online. A dress, for instance. With AR, they can virtually try that dress on. That’s physical shopping made obsolete.


Videos are easy to digest. You press play and watch. You can even have a video playing in the background while you, let’s say, chat with a chatbot. However, that scenario’s not what you’re gunning for.

Produce exciting and persuasive videos. Tell your target customers what your product is about. And how it’ll fill a void in their lives.

Monetize user-generated content

Do you want some free and organic marketing for your brand? Then zero in on user-generated content (UGC). If a customer feels strongly about your product, they might write about it on their blogs. Or they might post an unboxing video. Maybe compose a clever tweet that gains traction beyond their followers.

Look for these UGCs to boost your online presence. Retweet a positive tweet about your brand. Post an enthusiastic customer review to your Facebook page. These tidbits of information will encourage others to try you out.

Get ready for 5G

Once the massive rollout of 5G happens, there will be no stopping marketers from exhausting all customer engagement possibilities. Think data-heavy experiences previously impossible with 4G. High-speed data delivery, 4k streaming videos, and high-definition VR product encounters are all in the offing.

Get moving, go mobile

Mobile searches happen via tablets (40%) and phones (60%). That should give you a hint on how to fashion whatever message you send out into the information highway—the goal: content that suits these devices on the go. By pairing creativity with tried and tested approaches, such as those mentioned above, you’re bound to reap big rewards.

Take a cue from mobile marketing success stories—for example, HBO’s campaign for its now-defunct show, True Blood. Mobile users on film review and entertainment sites were targeted by bloody fingerprints every time they touched the screen. Those fingerprints came with a call to action urging viewers to watch the show’s trailer. The result? Five million did.

The lesson here is simple. Don’t keep your marketing efforts static. Get a move on. Go mobile.

Author Bio:

Keely is an Online PR Specialist at Spiralytics, a full-service agency that specialises in marketing that’s backed by data science. She is a young, energetic professional who enhances her company’s voice and presence through online and offline channels. Keely considers writing as one of her hobbies.

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