It’s that time of the year when we all get ready to flaunt our sexy bodies at the beach. Sit under the sun and get that sun-kissed brown skin we always dreamt of. But, wait, does the unwanted hair on your legs and arms prevent you from doing so? When you have a body to die for, why allow unwanted hair to prevent you from showing it off in style.
With the onset of summer, do you start booking your appointment for expensive salon sessions? Or, you go down the DIY route and use shavers or trimmers to get clean, hair-free skin? If so, trust us, ladies you are doing it all wrong. If you are not aware of At-home IPL laser hair removal devices, you have been missing out on something really good.
Yes, you heard it right for removing unwanted hair; you don’t need frequent cosmetic laser sessions. Use IPL laser devices to get smooth, hair-free skin in just six sessions.
Welcome At-Home Laser Hair Removal Device in your Life
Shaving, waxing, and regular laser clinic appointments are the things of the past. So, it’s time to bid farewell to stubbly legs, shaving rashes, or intense epilator torture sessions. And, say hello to easy to use laser beauty handset. But, before you take the bull by the horns, it’s essential to know how the device works, its benefits, and how to prepare for an at-home laser hair removal session.
So, are you ready to get smooth skin? We have this amazing guide to help you out!
What is Laser Hair removal? Does it Really Work?
Let’s dig a little deeper and have a look at the science behind the laser hair removal process. Trust us; it’s not boring but rather fascinating! In laser hair removal, concentrated light energy is used to slow and reduce hair growth. IPL laser hair removal devices apply gentle pulses of light to the hair root, allowing the hair to go into the resting phase. The result: hair falls out, and with time body grows less hair in that area. IPl at-home devices use the latest intense pulsed technology to painlessly remove hair and give incredible results in just eight weeks. And, the best part is the device only takes 15 minutes to do both your legs. Have a last-minute party to attend? Use the device, slip on that sleeveless dress, and you are all set to turn those heads.
Does it Work for You?
Now, you might be thinking, what if the best at-home laser hair removal device doesn’t work on my skin tone. First, check the skin table to know if your skin type allows you to use the device.
If you have light blonde, grey or white hair, the device may not be that effective.
Are At-home IPl Laser Hair Removal Devices Safe?
Yes, FDA-approved IPL laser hair removal devices are safe to use and are designed keeping the following things in mind.
- They have lower intensity than professional treatments.
- They come with a selection of intensity levels for different skin tones.
- They come in different modes.
- They have effective cooling features with stable wavelengths.
- High definition LCD panel.
Even though the device is safe to use and removes hair without an ounce of pain, it’s important to follow certain guidelines.
How to Prepare for At-Home Laser Hair Removal?
- Clean the subject area properly. Do not use lotions, oils, creams before the treatment.
- Shave the target area before using the device. Do not use wax, tweezers between the laser sessions.
- Do not use any topical products that cause photo sensitivity like hydroxyl acid, retinol, and benzoyl peroxide) before the treatment.
- Use a gentle cleanser to clean the target area.
Tips to Get Started with your At-Home Laser Treatment
- Stand in front of a full-length mirror to get a better view of the target area.
- Choose the right time when you can use the device without any interruptions.
- Lather yourself in sunscreen after you treat the area with the IPL device.
- Avoid using perfumes, deodorants, and hot showers for 24 hours after the treatment to avoid any skin irritation.
Where Can you Use the IPL Laser Hair Removal device?
Women can use the magical device on the
- Upper lip
- Chin
- Jawline
- Sideburns
- Armpits
- Forearms
- Tummy
- Bikini line
- Legs
- Feet
Did you know women with hirsutism and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome(PCOS) use IPL laser devices to get rid of excess facial and body hair to get the confidence back in their life?
Men can use the magical device on the
- Neck
- Shoulders
- Back
- Chest
- Torso
- Legs
- Underarms
So, now you know the ins and outs of the laser hair removal process, you might be thinking about which device to opt for. Choose the one that is FDA approved, complies with all the safety guidelines, and is easy to use. And, when we take all these factors into account, one name that pops on the top of the list is EvenSkyn Pulsar. The miracle device works like magic, giving you smooth, hair-free skin without any significant side effects.
Who doesn’t wants to be hair-free? We all wish to wake up in the morning, fling on a cute summer dress without having to worry about shaving. Your wish has been granted by the incredible IPL laser hair removal device – a permanent solution for unwanted body hair.
Author Bio
EvenSkyn® brings you to the world of the best skin care devices like laser removal device, skin tightening, and skin cleansing device. For men and women out there who don’t have time for frequent salon sessions, our devices are the knight and shining armor for them that gives the best results in the comforts of the home.