There are several reasons why both men and women can opt for dentures or false teeth at any age. Losing a tooth due to gum disease, tooth decay, or even trauma calls for wearing dentures. They can take some time to get used to, but once you get accustomed to wearing your dentures, your entire look can be made complete with a happy, bright smile. Don’t worry about looking out of place with missing teeth anymore, as these tips and tricks will help you with your dentures more easily.
- Don’t skip on brushing!
Just like you would brush your original teeth every single day, brushing your false teeth every single day or night is extremely important to maintain them. This practice should be maintained not just for keeping your teeth white and clean, but also to ensure that the teeth do not decay. You can purchase a denture brush or any soft bristled brush and a mild detergent. You should try and avoid any harsh chemicals or bleaching agents as this could damage the dentures.
- Check your diet
Once you start wearing dentures, you need to be extra careful about the kind of food that you are eating. Avoid eating food that is too hard to chew such as hard candy, corn on the cob, and nuts. You should also avoid eating sticky foods like caramel and extra chewy foods. Stick to a soft, easy to eat food like yoghurt, eggs, vegetables, fish, etc. It is especially important to stick to easy to chew foods for the first few weeks when you get your false teeth fixed.
- Wear them everyday
To get used to your new dentures, it is important that you wear them every single day. It might feel very uncomfortable at first and you will feel like taking them off, however, this would be a mistake. To get used to your dentures, you need to make yourself wear them every single day. You can also run the risk of bone loss and gum recession, if you do not wear your dentures every day. It also takes a certain time to get adjusted to your new teeth, and not wearing them every day can just delay this adjustment period.
- Sleeping without dentures
It is important to give your mouth and gums a break from your dentures when you sleep. Typically, the hours that you sleep, you should remove your dentures and soak them in a warm solution of nonabrasive denture cleaner. This practice will help your dentures retain their shape and prevent them from drying out. It is important to handle your false teeth with good care to avoid the risk of them falling and cracking or breaking.
- Talk with them on
Just like any new thing on your body takes some time to get used to, your dentures will also feel uncomfortable for the first few weeks after you get them fixed. You might face difficulties in eating and even speaking. However, the more you practice, the better you will find yourself at adjusting to the new teeth. The best way to get used to speaking with your new teeth fixed is to practice reading out loud when you are alone. This will give you a chance to hear yourself out loud and get used to speaking to others without sounding odd or feeling discomfort.
The trick to getting used to your new false teeth or set of dentures is simply to practice and take good care of them. Keeping them clean is very important as these will enter your mouth and can spread infection if not kept clean.