Choosing a dog bed is a memorable experience and when which will from a bonding moment between you and your pet. It shows your pet that you are aware of its needs and you need it closer to you, but just not on your bed or sofa. Once your dog is trained enough to recognize it needs to be in its bed and can keep its environment clean, then your dog’s bed will be one of its most favorite places and a purchase you will never regret making. Here are some factors you can consider before making this important move.
Importance of Having a Dog Bed
The first step is to be sure that you need a dog bed. There is no point getting an expensive bed only for you to keep calling your dog to your own bed. Getting a dog bed is the first step to training your dog to respect your space and to develop its own personality. However, if you want to keep your dog clean and your own living spaces cleaner, then getting dog beds is a great place to start. Now that kennels are a thing of the past, you should get a dog bed because it’s the best place your dog will get to rest and sleep, leaving your beautiful sofa and clean bed looking great.
Get the Right Beddings as a Priority
You will find many shapes and designs of dog beds in the market. Some will have prints and graphic designs whereas other will have certain shapes that add nothing to the overall utility of the bed. A bed should simply be the right size and with the right mattress. Getting a poly-fill mattress is cheaper but will likely not last long since the poly-fill will disintegrate and loose shape in a short time.
Measure Your Dog
The most important factor to consider is the size of your dog bed. To get the right size, you need to measure your dog while it’s asleep as this will be its most relaxed state. You measure from the nozzle to the tip of the tail. Then add at least 8’ to your measurement to cater for movements such as stretching and turning when it’s asleep. A small bed will cause bone development problems and this is especially bad for larger dogs. As for the height, measure the dog from shoulder to shoulder and evaluate its size when it’s awake, and measure between its shoulder and the ground, this should give you a good indicator of how high the hood should be, or even whether to include one.
Prioritize Hygiene and Cleanliness
Hygiene is important and given the tight space the dog bed will have, you should ensure it is constantly cleaned. Ensure the bed itself can fit inside an industrial washing machine and that none of the parts can get lost. You can consider a detachable dog bed where the hood and the bed itself are easily detachable so that both parts can fit in a washing machine easier.