In this generation of increasing security threats, installing modern equipment to prevent theft, burglary and loss of personal assets is a must. Many ways of securing your household or workplace or even public buildings from robbery, internally or externally is by installing alarms which increase the level of security of any building or foundation.
Alarms have been an important part of security solutions since the advent of modern technology from the beginning of the 20thCentury. Fire alarms have been instrumental in alerting people from a fire-outbreak. Civil defense sirens were a common method of raising alarms in public to let the citizens know about possible air raids.
With further development in technology came Home-security solutions which offer the assistance of cameras, motion sensors to capture signs of intrusion. So, there are plenty of alarm systems available in the market these days. Thus, before you head towards purchasing an alarm system, it would be better to know about them a little.
Why Would You Install the Security Alarm Systems in Your Home?
Quite interesting in a survey and study conducted by the Rutgers in 2009, it has been found that the potential criminal activities are decreased in the areas which are covered by the security and alarm systems. This is a natural and instinctive phenomenal that the burglars avoiding houses which are secured with home security systems. Even you can also connect these security systems with your CCTVs and you can also enable the alarm systems with your laptop, mobile and computer. These alarm systems can also generate the signals during power cut because they have own power backup. In generally these types of systems are equipped with some basic facilities like
- Comprehensive 24*7 monitoring of your property through your security system offered by a dedicated alarm monitoring company.
- Your security system is directly connected to the monitoring company. So the alarm systems can generate the signals to the monitoring company during your absence and they can transfer the information to the respective departments such as fire department and police control rooms.
- There is an option of sending armed patrol, security agents or the police on spot to your property in case the alarm is triggered.
- You are immediately notified via phone call about any intrusions which might have triggered the alarm systems.
Type of Detection Systems Prevalent in The Present Day
Increasing crime rates all around the world, in various modes and methods have given rise to an ever-increasing demand for modern equipment, especially alarm Systems, needed to nip these practices in the bud.
Thus, a variety of such systems has been developed to cater the need of an extensive range of locations be it your home, office, institution, or public transport stations. Here is a list of the best kinds of alarm systems popular nowadays which aim to notify the people concerned about any anomaly; be it natural or man-made.
- Fire alarm- Such a calamity is feared everywhere and can arise due to the most minor technical discrepancies. To gain information about the possible outbreak and provide immediate relief fire alarms are a must have in houses, malls and public buildings. It’s a combination of smoke and heat detectors which when triggered produce an audio-visual siren or either of the two.
- Motion sensors- These are frequently installed in public buildings like museums to prevent break-ins and to safeguard the valuables present. When there is a sudden increase in infrared energy or emission of ultrasonic sound waves by an external influence an alarm is sounded. These sensors are also coupled with cameras at times to obtain visual feeds.
- Metal detectors- After its development in 1960, metal detectors have been installed in almost every public and private foundation. It uses an alternating magnetic field to detect the presence of metals and sounds an alarm if anything is found. Its application ranges from airport security to detection of land-mines.
- Driveway alarm- A system designed to detect people or vehicles entering private property through the driveway and alert the people inside of an intruder. Driveway alarms are an important part of the security of various public buildings like museums, embassy buildings and residences of High Value Individuals.
- Home security alarms- Designed to detect unauthorized entry; these are used in residential properties for protection against theft or damage. They usually include sets of cameras or motion sensors or both combined in a single system to safeguard against possible theft and burglary. Some advanced versions of these security solutions installed in priority buildings or civil offices also include laser grids which when disturbed or tampered with trigger an alarm to alert the authorities.
The world isn’t a safe place anymore due to the innumerable changes all around but we can make it as safe as possible for our family and fellow humans by using these alarm systems and related equipment to be prepared against all calamities, natural or man-made. Stand strong in the face of every odd that we face.
About the author: Jessica Curry is a professional writer to share my blogs and ideas about Home improvement, Health, Business and Automotive that will be informative for readers who loves to gain knowledge. ideas.