A small device that fits your pocket is capable of performing quite a number of functions that one can’t even imagine. It is your rescuer in difficult situations; it is your friend in lonely moments; it is your helper in tricky jobs; it is your teacher in confusion; it is the bridge of your relations. A smartphone is like a small computer, taking up just a tiny portion of your bag or pocket. The fact that we can’t locate 10 people who aren’t users of a cellphone proves the success of this remarkable invention. It comes with advantages as well as disadvantages. Before we discuss the main purpose of this article i.e. writing down point-by-point the tricks and tips to use this service in its fullest, we will discuss why it has become a necessity for (almost) every person at every age.
If you study at a school that is a bit far from your home, you’re on your way, and your bus breaks down, how do you inform your parents? You can’t leave your parents worried about you, can you? And you have to do something about it, right? What you do in this situation is send a text, informing them about your situation. It is as simple as that.
Let’s have just one more example. Your boss assigned you to scan a few copies of some important documents. You reach out to the scanner only to find out that it is broken. Now you don’t have enough time to fix it or get it fixed from somewhere else. What do you do? You simply install the Scanner on your phone, click the images of the documents, scan them and deliver them where required. It would take just about 10 minutes to do this task. It is even more convenient than using an actual scanner for this task.
We aren’t much aware of the unique uses of a smartphone. We have restricted it to making calls, text messaging our friends or clicking images to upload on our Instagram. Let’s discuss some unique tricks and tips of using cellphone at its maximum.
Save your battery by turning low-power mode on
To maintain a cellphone is not an easy job. You have to look after its power-usage, battery, memory-usage or its physical cover. There are several things to keep in your check when you own a phone because all the money you spent on your expensive set could go down the drain due to your negligence. Do you know that you can ruin the lifetime of your battery by abusing it? The trick is to keep your phone on low power mode always. It will take care of the unnecessary battery consumption by extra applications on your phone.
Turn-off the notifications from every application
If you’re on social media, you must be on every social media forum like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Gmail, YouTube, or Snapchat. Every time your phone buzzes, it loses a bit of battery; and if it buzzes fifty times a day, imagine the number of times your phone will flicker and lose power! Several hours later, you’ll check on your phone a sign of low-battery and you might not be ready to get it charged in the rounds of errands. The simple way to get this problem solved is by turning off the notifications on every application you use. This way you won’t be reminded every second what your friends are up to while you’re working at office. It helps you combat distractions amidst work and saves the battery-power.
Disable Background data
When you’re done using apps on your phone, you don’t have to let them stay active in the background. Why? Because this way your phone will unnecessarily consume power even when you’re not using the apps. By simply swiping them off the sides of your screen, you can completely shut them down.
Avoid using phone when it’s on charging
More often than not, you end up using your phone while it’s being charged because of the urgency of the task. Sometimes you do it out of habit. If only you knew the harm you’re causing your phone by this practice, you would at least attempt to be careful in this matter. There is a reason why the charger comes with short wires. It is for you to avoid using it when it’s plugged in. The reason is: it harms the lifetime of the battery of your phone, especially those that run on Li-on batteries. Li-on batteries usually have a restricted charging cycle; they aren’t of as good a quality as others; the user has to replace them after some time. It is better to avoid using such batteries; if you do, make sure you take good care of it.
Install Applications to enhance your creativity!
Approximately 2.2 million applications are available online that perform multiple functions that you can take advantage of in daily activities of your life. If you use your phone at your workplace a bit too much that you lose all the deadlines and gets called in by your boss every now and then, then there is an application that can manage your usage of phone during office hours. If you’re travelling and need to edit a document that you are write as you left your laptop at home, you can install Word Office 2017 on your phone to write down the report; you can also install Excel, Notepad, Diary, and many such applications distinct from each other by specific functions. You can also design a layout for a project if you have the application PicsArt in your phone. There’s a lot that you can do on your smartphone if you know the right application to do the respective task. What you need is a good internet, and enough memory on your phone to install these applications when required. The Time Warner Cable offers triple play deals: internet, phone and TV. If you get the bundle, you save dollars. If you go for separate Time Warner phone service, you will still get good offers that you can choose from.
Clean your phone, monthly!
It is a good practice to keep your phone clean from unnecessary items. You can also download applications that perform the same function. You wouldn’t have to worry about taking out time to do the job, you can let the application do the service for you. You will have enough space in your phone when you’d need it. You can even disable iCloud automatic data storage if you’re an iPhone user. By transferring your data to your laptop’s hard drive, it will be unnecessary to keep it in your phone.