If you wanted to go on a journey, and you didn’t really know where – New Forest is your place. Here are the best places to visit in new forest:
There’s literally not any other way to see New Forest, than on the back of a horse. Go ahead and contact The Burley Villa Riding School, from New Milton and they’d give you the best experience. One hour costs £21. If you want to have fun for two hours, the price is £40. You can contact them on 01425 610278 or on their official site.
Wagon ride!
That’s right, you can take a wagon ride. You’ll get the see one of the most amazing villages from there, called Burley. The ride takes about 20 minutes, and it costs £3 for children and £5 for adults. Contact Burley Wagon Rides at 07712 074486.
Boat ride!
Event Management Group offers in Lymington the best boat ride you’ll ever live. The boat takes from 6 to 10 people and costs £350 for an entire day. You can also get to enjoy small yachts with a skipper for the prices from £550 up to £750. Contact them on 01590 670999 or on their official site.
Owls and otters
New Forest Otter, Owl and Wildlife Park will give you the largest groups of otters and owls from the entire Europe. It costs £6.50 for adults and £4.50 for kids between the ages 4 and 16. They also have a special offer: £19 for two adults and two children. Contact them at 023 8029 2408 or on their official site.
Cycle trails!
Brockenhurst is where you should be going if you want to get to know about 100 miles of flat cycle trails. Brockenhurst Station comes with Cyclexperience, which offers a standard bike for the price of £10 and mountain bikes at the price of £13. In these prices, you’ll also get locks, toolkits, route plans, a helmet and a child seats. Contact them on 01590 624204 or on their official site.
Get to know history!
Hurst Castle is where Charles I was imprisoned – you know, before he was taken to London and killed. Adults will have to pay £3, children with ages between 5 and 15, £1.80 and seniors £2.70. They’re open from 10.30 am to 5 pm – until the end of October. After that, it will only be open on weekends. Also, in winter, they’ll have earlier closing times. Contact them at 01590 642500/642344 or on their official site.
An explosion of colors
Exbury Gardens will offer you the best shows of colors from the Japanese maples, together with dogwoods and deciduous flowers – azaleas. They’re open until the 31st of October, from 10 am to 5.30 pm. Adults will pay £4, children between ages 5 and 15, £1, and seniors £3.50. Contact them at 023 8089 1203 or on their official site.