If prospects visit your site and often leave without any call-to-action, the huge sum of money spent on the development and maintenance of your site goes in vain. One of the major reasons for this could be poor quality of images that enhance the chances of page abandonment. For avoiding this, Amazon Image Editing Services is a feasible option.
In case of online shopping, images act as a major determinant of your sales since prospects cannot physically examine the quality of the product. Professionals help in making your products visually attractive so that the conversion rates of your website can be increased. They can help in enhancing the quality of your images for a wide array of industry verticals like apparels, shoes, watches, baby products and healthcare products.
For ensuring a uniform user experience, Amazon has set several standards for uploading product images that have to be adhered to. These standards may vary depending on product category. Some of them that apply to all product categories are:
- Image dimensions: On the longest side, maximum and minimum image dimension should be 10,000px and 500px, respectively.
- File size: You cannot exceed the file size of 10MB.
- Image ratio: The ideal crop ratio is 1:1 square but it can be up to 5:1 rectangle.
- File format: Despite JPEG being the preferred file format, Amazon accepts other formats like TIFF (.tif) and GIF (.gif).
Main Product Image
The primary product image keeps your target audience glued to your site. Therefore, ensuring that it complies with all the requirements is a pre-requisite for soaring your sales figures. Amazon image editing should take the following into consideration:
- Pure white background with RGB values of 255 each
- Product should fill 85 per cent of the image frame
- Accurate presentation of product for sale without its packaging
- Should not be a graphical representation of the product
- Should not include props/ accessories that are not a part of the main product
- No watermarks, logos, text that is not a part of the product being sold.
- Should not show multiple views of the product
- Should not have a colored background
Adhering to all these standards might be time consuming. In addition to catering to these requirements, experts help in enhancing the visual appeal of your product images and make them ‘publishable’ by ensuring lighting uniformity across the product image, removing blemishes, enhancing contrasts, adding shadows to devoid the product of an artificial appearance.