8 Legal Secrets to Reducing Your Taxes

Anyone would jump at every opportunity to reduce their tax load, but clearly, most people have no idea how to go about it without breaking the laws. Once you are familiar with the tax laws and can implement proper planning and strategies, you will likely save thousands of dollars of taxes over time. While you may be qualified for the IRS tax debt relief if you owe the IRS and can’t pay, it’s best to still get familiar with how you can reduce your taxes and save yourself some debt.

Forex trading is one of the best ways to reduce your taxes, as it is considered as spread betting and left tax-free in quite many countries.

Forex trading

Here are some legal secrets to reducing your taxes using Forex:

  1. Learn the basics of currency trading:

Currency trading is one of the best ways to avoid huge tax payment, but it is not as easy as it seems. Investors tend to lose a lot of money due to negligence, which can be easily avoided by understanding the basics before venturing into it. Your success in Forex can be determined by how much knowledge you have of it, and while you will get a majority of this knowledge through experience and live trading, the basics can be learned to avoid common mistakes. Get familiar with everything about forex markets and what affects the currencies; learn about Pairs and Pips, the currency often traded and what drives the currency. You should also be aware of the risks involved and kind of investment plan you should venture into.

  1. Choose your broker carefully:

A forex broker is one of the most important people or organizations in the industry, as they help currency traders assess a trading platform to buy and sell foreign currencies. While choosing your broker, ensure they are legal and accredited, and they do business on a level similar to yours. Also, find out how the broker works to see if you are comfortable with it and also inquire of minimum investments and safety of funds to know where you are headed. You could open an account with a firm associated with the National Futures Association (NFA) and registered as a futures commission merchant with the U.S Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). This will save you the risk of doing business with a non-reputable forex broker.

  1. Liquidity:

Liquidity is the ability of an asset or a currency pair to be purchased and sold without causing a notable change in the asset price. You need to understand the concept of liquidity and how you can apply it. For example, a currency pair is considered to have a high level of liquidity when there is a big amount of trading exercise after it has been bought or sold.

  1. Pick your account type, and leverage ratio in accordance with your needs:

Chose your account type on your trading platform, but for starters, it is always best to opt for a practice account first. A practice or demo account helps you to place hypothetical trades without a funded account. With time, you get used to the concept by using this account and then, you can proceed to go live after you have mastered it to an extent. At this point, choose an account package that aligns with your level of knowledge. Once you have selected your account type, work on leveraging ratio in accordance with your needs and bear in mind that lower leverage is better. In forex trading, you have the opportunity to make enough profits with very little investments and your chances are higher with lower risks.

  1. Focus on a single currency pair:

Focusing on a single currency pair is a smart thing to do in forex trading. With a single currency pair, you have no risk of trading correlated pairs, you understand the price movements better, and you can also easily focus and not have your attention divided.

  1. Begin with small sums

After learning the basics and working your way through Forex, it is now time to deal with real money. Considering that you are still a beginner in the business and also the risk of investment involved, you may want to begin with small sums, to avoid running into a financial crisis. You also get to learn more things, like emotions and slippage, better, as they require a handful of experience in trading live. Starting small helps you to evaluate your trading plan and emotions and also help you understand the concept better while you work your way up to handling larger sums.

  1. Increase the size of your account through the organic gain:

It is advisable to increase the size of your account through organic gain and not by making more deposits. More deposits do not always equal to more gains; you should rather allow the account to grow its own profits.

  1. Understand that forex is about probabilities

While forex benefits in so many ways, always bear in mind that it is a form of investment and is all about probabilities. Before venturing into it, you need to recognize the market and also monitor your capital allocation and risk tolerance to this form of trading.


Forex requires low account requirements and opens you to high amounts of leverage, which makes it attractive. To avoid losing money in forex, you must learn the basics and do your research and also follow the eight secrets as explained in this article. To know more about IRS tax debt relief, visit us.

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