Video has quickly become one of the most popular marketing tools for brands and content creators over the past decade. It goes further than written copy alone ever can and allows brands to evoke emotions like humour, empathy and more, in just thirty seconds, which ultimately allow viewers to form a connection with your brand and covert.
Here are just some of the main benefits of utilising video in your online marketing campaigns…
It is widely reported by businesses just how dramatic the effect of incorporating video into your advertising strategies is on conversion rates. More than 50% of marketing professionals across the globe have reported that creating video ads is the best content for generating an impressive ROI for your campaigns.
But why is this the case? There are several reasons, with the main one being that video is popular. People actively seek out videos to watch and are far more likely to stop scrolling and watch a video ad than they are to read a chunk of text. Another reason is the scope for success that video can bring – if you get your video content and targeting in front of the right audience, you can evoke emotions that almost instantly subconsciously cause people to want to buy into your brand.
Video ads don’t have to be solely put out on social media feeds either, you can utilise video across websites. Even an explainer video that runs your site visitors through your brand’s story and products can be classed as an ad as it allows your audience to see a snapshot into your company instantly establishing an immediate level of trust.
Zidivo offer a professional live streaming and video hosting platform for businesses of all sizes worldwide. The platform enables you to embed your video ads on as many webpages as you like to get your videos in front of the right people at the right stage of the customer journey. You can try it for yourself completely free for 30 days today.
Human nature
Humans are highly visual beings; we naturally much prefer to consume visuals such as videos over having to use the energy to read text, which is why the rise of video in the online marketing world has been so dramatic and won’t be changing anytime soon. When it comes to advertising, people are also naturally inclined to skip past them, but by using video to hook your audience in within the first few seconds are much more likely to get people to stick around.
Aside from visuals appealing to human nature, video also allows brands to tell a story a lot quicker and evoke emotions in people. In advertising, if you can get your audience to feel an emotion that makes them want to buy, whether its positive or negative, you are onto a winner and are far more likely to see an impact on your conversions.
Major search engines like Google understand and are on board with the fact that video is now the main way that people prefer to consume content day-to-day and this is hugely reflected in the opportunity for videos to rank in the search results. Rather than just having a ‘video’ tab like they used to, Google now heavily feature both image and video packs in universal search meaning even smaller brands can benefit from increased visibility without having to rank their entire site for certain keywords.
Google is the first place people head when they have an unanswered query, which is why its essential to make sure your video content is high-quality and optimised so you can benefit from the incredible opportunities Google has to offer.
There is something innately authentic about brands creating video content for their advertising campaigns. It comes down to the fact that by seeing the faces behind a brand and/or the work that has gone into creating a video, we automatically assign a certain level of legitimacy and trust to the company. Whether its a short interview with a member of the team like Moneybox’s YouTube ads, or its an stunning animation that has clearly had a huge team of professionals working on it like this years John Lewis Christmas advert – video allows brands to show their authority and establish trust almost instantly with whoever is watching, which in turn hugely benefits conversions.
Last but not least is the fact that videos are a highly shareable form of content. Whether we like it or not, people are far more inclined to share a funny, sad or happy video with their family, friends or colleagues than they are to share a piece of text. Videos are shared across social feeds and via private messages which means a brand can hugely grow their visibility both on and offline without even necessarily realising the impact their video has had. The more naturally shareable your content is, the more visibility, brand awareness and eventually conversions you will benefit from, which is again what makes video so popular with marketers.