When kids are in their growing age, they tend to seek information from every perspective. And with the technology growing so fast, kids are heavily attracted to the digital world. Rather, the time has changed as playing games are referred to as playing a game on smart phones, with other friends online. Are you worried about your kids already?
Smartphones: A Hit or a Bit?
Well, if you consider the benefits of handling over Smartphones to your kids, you will notice that there are a bunch of disadvantages associated with them too. And most importantly, your kids just grow up as robots, where communicating in the family is realized only through WhatsApp group.
The time has come when parents really need to understand this dilemma and help out their kids to grow healthy and oriented with family and emotions. This is why spy apps are the demanding keywords lately. Parents look for such apps that can help them to keep a track record of what their kids are really doing. One such brilliant app is Snoopza. This is one of those free android spy apps that will help you keep a note on every move and every click that your children make on their smart phones.
Following is the list of features of Snoopza which will make you download the app right away:
- Track calls: Now you can keep a record on what call does your kid attend and make on everyday basis. This will help you with the list of people who are in constant touch of your children. Whether it’s a bad influence or good is your decision to make.
- Record Calls: Hearing the recorded calls between your children and his/her friends aids in understanding their interest. Conversations affect kids drastically. Whether they must continue speaking about a particular topic or activity can be realized with this feature.
- Manage SMS: Types of messages exchanged among friends really help in understanding the mental growth of children. Whether those messages are relevant with their age or not must be a quick decision by parents. If not relevant; you must speak to your kids right away!
- Viber Spy: Video calls are the coolest thing in the digital world, isn’t it! Well, at least that is what kids these days really believe in! Through this application, parents can keep a check on their video calls and certain activities on the ongoing chats.
- Facebook Spy: Honestly, what type of post you share on Facebook or what type of friends you have on Facebook speaks a lot about your personality. As parents, they must check the status of their kids on Facebook along with comments on their wall and list of friends.
- Snapchat Spy: Who doesn’t like to show off on Snapchat these days? But whether that particular activity or snaps on SnapChat is relevant for your kids or not can be realized through this app.
- Screenshots: What type of screenshots is saved in your phone tells a lot about you. Or at least explains what type of conversation or pictures you want to save for later. Parents can get an access to the same through this app.
- Stealth Mode: Spying means that children not know anything about it, isn’t it? With stealth mode, you can hide the icon on the phone screen without your kids even knowing about such an action at all.
- Track Internet History: Internet History is considered as really crucial and sensitive information for parents. For an instance, adult-oriented history on the browser is a warning that it’s time for some serious talks on the dinner table.
With such features of spy phone app free download app called Snoopza, parents can really take control of their kid’s lives until the time they grow mature. Kids are innocent, and thus they get distracted by certain activities real quick! But for parents, the challenging task is to understand their mindset without having their relations disturbed. Every parent wants best for their kids, but whether or not they are learning the best in their life is a real deal to focus on!
Some parents feel embarrassed spying on their kids. But they miss out the big picture which serves the aim of serving right learning and knowledge to kids for a healthy growth. And that’s what really matters, isn’t it!