If you go into your store, probably the first thing you want to seek is healthy food. You can find so many options but the health benefits you get with beef jerky is outstanding. A high-energy snack can fuel you through a vigorous workout or intense bout of exercise. The best thing about the beef jerky is its healthy dose. It contains rich protein, with 9.41 grams per 1-ounce serving, and supplies certain key vitamins and minerals as well. The meat does have a downside, however, because it can be high in fat and sodium, which decreases its nutritional value.
Few Imperative Facts about Jerky Food:
Well, it’s not only the beef jerky that considered a nutrient rich food but all jerky meat-types are healthy when it comes to calories, fat, and protein per serving size. Just take a simple example of Ostrich Jerky. It is a very lean red meat and is typically among the lowest in fat content whereas Buffalo Jerky is rich in protein.
If you wish to eat the Low-Calorie or Low-Crab; then beef jerky can provide you a good combination. Well, in order to enhance the longevity of the food manufacturers add few preservative in the jerky. On the other hand a few manufacturers make efforts the beef jerky as natural as humanly possible.
Preservatives used in the beef jerky:
Some of the most usual preservatives used in beef jerky are Sodium Nitrite and MSG.
Sodium Nitrite: Sodium Nitrite is an essential preservative used in some beef jerky products. This preservative helps the shelf life of the meat. Not only this, it also assists the shelf life of the meat and helps to counter-act discoloration of the product. On the brighter side though, it does help to prevent bacteria. Its health benefits are evident in the fact that many athletes, weightlifters, and dieters are repeat consumers.
MSG: MSG is an ingredient inherent in most soy sauces; it behaves as a flavor enhancer in jerky products. This is crucial to know for those shopping for low-sodium jerky products and who are on a low-salt diet. Anything less than 300mg of sodium per serving is usually considered low.
Top of all the things, the thing you need to remember is that salt is a natural preservative for jerky, so it typically comes with the territory.
Reasons to Consider Beef Jerky A Healthy Food:
The sensitive topic we should actually discuss about beef jerky is its health benefits. What are the health benefits you can get with this food? How this food is responsible to give you a fit body? So, here is a detailed description about health benefits of the jerky food:
For one, it’s high in protein. But unlike other meat-based foods, jerky doesn’t have to be refrigerated. That makes it a convenient and easy on-the-go snack. Additionally the taste of jerky is super fantastic.
Jerky: Best Combination of simplicity, taste and health:
Jerky is a simple food. It’s described as “meat that has been cut into long strips and dried.” And the best thing is you can enhance the taste of the dishes by adding a few ingredients. To make a basic jerky, all one requires is meat, salt and a low-temperature drying method. Jerky is actually lean and credit goes to its low fat content. Since fat doesn’t dry, most of it must be trimmed off before the drying process.
High in protein:
Next, the vital thing about jerky dishes is rich of protein. As it is prepared from lean meat hence, it always going to be high in protein. Undeniably, protein is one of the most crucial nutrients for athletes. High-quality protein provides the amino acids that muscles need to repair and rebuild, enabling you to recover from exercise and get stronger over time. The body can also use protein as a source of energy. It means protein is an important ingredient for everyone and this is what you can get by eating beef jerky.
Rich in Iron and Zinc:
Along with good dose of protein, the beef jerky also supplies iron and zinc minerals. These minerals boost the immune system of a person. Iron encourages exact production of red blood cells whereas zinc assists your body heal wounds. A serving of beef jerky contains 1.5 milligrams of iron toward the daily goal of 8 milligrams for men and 18 milligrams for women, ages 19 to 50. The same serving of beef jerky provides 2 milligrams of the 11 milligrams of zinc men require each day and the 8 milligrams that women need.
This is the complete detail of beef jerky and its essential benefit. So, if you are non-vegetarian, must include it in your diet! We are very sure; you get the outstanding outcomes with this food!