Podcasts are not only a platform for adults to read the news or to watch serials or to engage themselves in the outside world, but even kids can have all these things. But wait? If this child is secured you may have lots of questions like this when I state the above thing. Kids are really special. They do have many kid podcasts to watch their favorite stories, daily news, games and lot more. These podcasts really give them more fun and also creates a lot of social awareness.
Story Pirates
Story Pirates is really an inspiration for kids apart from just a podcast. Those who host the show or guest make use of kids’ ideas to create a story or song.
The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel
This podcast is performed by the people who were 8-to-12 years old and the listeners are middle-grade students. The Series “The vein of Stranger Things and The Goonies” were now in its 3rd season.
Wow in the World
The hosts of this show explore different topics each time, really all these ones will be very crazy like how mummies might have sounded and etc. A good one to be indulged in for creative thoughts.
Sesame Street
By watching this podcast your kids really understand the value of friendship and many learning for their life. The episodes consist of happenings between four friends from the street.
Smash Boom Best
One of the award-winning podcasts, which runs a debate show for kids and their families for example aliens vs robots and this like that just to have a jolly debate and have some learning from that.
Peace Out
When you really need a wind-down or when you are tired at the end of the day, this podcast offers you many stories and some breathing exercises to have relaxed night sleep.
An interactive game show where you can enjoy with your whole family. The game show consists of nine elements majorly, where you can participate as a whole family and this show is for all ages.
Circle Round
Best suits kids who age between 3 to 10, which has many folktale stories that are chosen from around the world. This podcast was created and hosted by many young parents and children.
But Why?
A show led by kids and a really interesting one. You can ask questions and get answered for all your questions through the show. Some of the topics they cover are why people do have dreams, why birds are flying and etc.
Eleanor Amplified
Hosted by Eleanor Amplified, a world-famous reporter this adventurous series was enjoyed by the whole family.
Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child
Texas-based radio shows which are a weekly radio show aimed at all age groups. This music podcast has different music shows for kids as well as adults. They too have live performances.
Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls
These podcasts are aimed at children age six and above. It is based on a series of children’s books which has 2 volumes. Each of the books features short stories about 100 real women who can be role models for children.
Hillary and Larry were the 2 hosts of this show, if your kids love telling jokes then this is a great podcast from them. Each episode consists of riddles, knock-knock jokes, puns, and etc.
The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd
Family friendly podcasts which are delivered in both audio and video format. The show deals with the adventures of Dr. Floyd and his nemesis, Dr. Steve. Majorly this podcast helps kids to gain knowledge about the people and events that shaped history.
Ear Snacks
Ear Snacks is a podcast which is a bundle of everything music, songs, episodes and etc
Grim Grimmer Grimmest
This podcast is from the book A Tale Dark and Grimm, the story of brothers which is retold in a newer way.
Becoming Mother Nature
A nature-oriented podcast, in which it telecasts the story of a girl named tweenage Chloe and this mainly aimed at the kids who age between 8 and 12 years old.
Best podcasts for the kids to know about the daily news in just a few minutes. It really gives concern to the kids about the outside world.
What If World
Do you want to know What if glaciers melt? Or What if you get wings? Many like these questions were answered by the podcast’s hosts in the form of stories that are very imaginative.
Some of the best podcasts where you kids can have a better time in their life learning things in a more fun way and getting exposure to the surroundings, thereby knowing their social responsibilities, increase their creativity (how to nurture creativity in a child), find answers for their long term questions, motivates them to read more, emphasis more on values, friendship and lot more. Let kids learn and enjoy in their own way by using these podcasts.