Communication plays a substantial role in your success as an entrepreneur with email being the primary means to communicate. There are about 205 billion emails sent out every day with 86% business professionals using emails to connect.
The sheer number of email users speaks volumes of its use in business communications. What’s more is that email marketing assists you in business growth. About 80% of the entrepreneurs report that emails help enhance acquisition and retention of customers.
Email marketing also exhibits a good return on investment. For every dollar that is invested, you can get an average yield of $38. All this sets up the significance of email marketing for a new business.
As a new entrepreneur, however, you need to make sure that each of your emails is written well. It leaves a poor impression when your potential client reads, ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re.’ In fact, research reveals that there is a strong association between career progress and writing. Individuals that make few grammatical errors tend to accomplish higher positions. For rookies in the business world, this could translate into success or failure of their venture.
In this regard, here’s a look at some useful email writing tips for newbie entrepreneurs:
Proofread and check your spellings
Spelling mistakes and typos in your message work wonders in bursting your impression as an entrepreneur. Proofread the content of your email, and use apps like Grammarly to polish your work. An email that is free from spelling mistakes sends a message of your credibility and professionalism.
Research your client
Before you write the email, make sure to research your recipients. Google names, check their social profiles and read their work. Sam Parr, founder HustleCon, opines that it is critical to study your client’s interests to learn about their personality and wants. This is a significant step as it encourages you to customize your strategy and helps add a personal touch to the message.
Personalize the message
This goes without saying but always personalize the communication by adding the recipient’s name, their company’s name or so. This tip is supported by the research work you do before writing the email. Aberdeen highlights that personalized emails boost conversions and click-through rates by roughly 10% and 14%, respectively. Additionally, 74% of the marketers point out that personalization multiplies customer engagement.
Be brief
Keep your emails to the point and short. Long emails cut down any chances you had of having a conversation with a potent client. Lengthy emails also get a shorter response as the recipient is less likely to read the entire message. On the other hand, shorter emails often spark a longer conversation as the reader attempts to ask for more information. As Shakespeare outlined, “brevity is the soul of wit.” Therefore, try to convey your business’s values to your audience as succinctly as possible. Also, keep the use of buzzwords at bay.
Use bullet points
Bullet points boost the readability of your email message and simplify the way information is presented. Info snippets in this format are visually appealing for the readers. These allow you to share information on a service or product in the form of short bites. Also, bullet points are easy to scan.
Work on the subject line
The email’s subject line needs a lot of work. People receive tons of emails on a daily basis, but they only click on the ones that get their attention. Hence, a pro tip is to give the subject a lot of priority. Be concise and creative. You can also try adding emoticons. A survey by Experian confirms that 56% of brands use emojis in the subject lines. These have been able to get a higher opening rate.
Add emotional hooks
Emotional hooks are excellent means of engaging readers. Emotions, used smartly in your email, can make a potential client feel connected. Your emails should carry value, and feelings can help to instill that value in your content. A case in point is Upwork that started an email campaign on Labor Day, which featured video inspirations as emotional hooks.
Send emails at the right time
It is more likely for your email to be ignored if you shoot it at a time when the potential customer is wrapping up work. Here is where time and response rate come into the picture. Before you hit send, check your recipients’ time zone. Schedule the email to reach them at a time when they are at work and focused. Mornings are an ideal time to email. However, ensure that it’s not too early when they have only just tuned in to work. Moreover, according to studies, Tuesday is the best day to send an email in a week.
Add to the call to action
Emails that ask readers to do numerous things at a time are more likely to be brushed off. So, you need to be mindful of adding a clear call to action (CTA) at the end of the email. Your email should be obvious and direct. This allows your recipient to know what to do, and he can easily take a definitive step to proceed.
Be professional
Lastly, an essential tip is to use business language in your email. In this context, avoid any text-speak such as ‘btw,’ ‘lol’ and more. An efficient drill to work on an email is to research, think, write, and read aloud. This helps you pick any typos or spelling errors. Sign the email with your professional email signature at the end.
Take home message
Email marketing reaps several benefits if you can harness its potential. As a beginner in the field, make sure to follow these steps for writing great emails. Grammarly’s Allison VanNest sums up as she says, “For many entrepreneurs, your writing is a reflection of your professionalism, your attention to detail, and even your brand… Taking care to write accurately is one easy way to move your business in the right direction.”