The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm and has affected millions of people’s lives in several negative ways. Many people have lost their jobs or have been furloughed due to the pandemic. The global economy has hit record lows in many parts of the world.
Many people’s daily routines have been disrupted drastically, as many need to practice social distancing and remain quarantined at their homes for extended periods. However, some people have had to move to another province, state, or country that cannot be put on hold for family or financial reasons.
Here, we will look into storage units and everything you need to know about moving during the pandemic to keep safe and make your move an expeditious one.
Is moving essential?
For most people, their allotted moving time and date cannot be changed. If you have a lease that is coming to an end or if you previously bought or sold a property with an upcoming closing date, then you must have ready access to all of the essential services you need to make your relocation a seamless process.
How to Prepare for Your Move
Before you move to your new home, you will need to take a few steps in order to prepare for the move during the deadly global outbreak. For example, you will first need to get in contact with your moving company.
You will need to confirm your reservation and discuss the safety measures you need to take to prepare for the move. The company will also initiate certain preventative measures and safeguards to keep both their employees and your family safe when moving day arrives. Everyone should be kept abreast of the latest safety protocols to ensure that everyone involved is on the same page.
You should also buy all of your supplies during one-stop instead of making multiple stops at your local hardware store or retailer. If in doubt, you can use a free online packing calculator to determine what you will need based on the number of people who live with you and the number of rooms in your property.
If you are ever in doubt, it doesn’t hurt to buy a few additional supplies in the event of an emergency.
In addition, we would also recommend that you clean as you pack. For example, when was the last time you cleaned the exterior of your crockpot or gave your bedside lamp a good scrub?
One of the issues with COVID-19 is how easy it is to infect someone with the virus, as the average infected person will infect 40 or so people with the virus. Furthermore, the virus can remain on certain surfaces for up to 72 hours, so extra cleaning measures will need to be taken in order to reduce the risk of contraction and transmission of said virus.
You should take the time to sanitize all of your belongings by wiping down all items that you plan to take with you to your new home with some disinfectant. You can also make your own cleaning product by adding a tablespoon of bleach to a gallon of lukewarm water.
Finally, you should finish packing at least a full day before the moving company arrives at your doorstep; as the virus can survive on cardboard surfaces for 24 hours. In other words, the boxes should be tightly packed and untouched for at least 24 hours before the movers arrive to collect your boxes, helping reduce the risk that they will contract the virus. As well, this helps ensure you’re prepared for when the movers come and aren’t packing at the last minute!
Tips for Your Move
Below are some additional tips that can help reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19 during your move.
First and foremost, you should proceed with caution without taking any unnecessary risks. You should also manage your expectations accordingly and try and avoid doing any paperwork whenever possible.
What’s more, you should settle on an effective unpacking process well before you move to your new home to mitigate risk, and should ensure that all items are packed securely and tightly to avoid viral exposure.
We would also recommend that you only use new packing boxes when packing all of your items to reduce the risk that the virus will be on the surfaces of the boxes. You should also use disposable sanitary masks and medical-grade hygienic gloves when packing your items and cleaning your home to prepare for the move. On that note, don’t forget to wear a mask and gloves while unpacking all items in your new home.
How to Move Your Stuff
Moving companies are considered an essential service in Ontario so that you can avail yourself of their services. This is because they will take the necessary precautions to ensure your safety and the safety of their workers.
You can also rent storage units in Toronto, as storage companies are also considered an essential service during the outbreak. That is, you can move in with family or friends and place your belongings in a temporary storage unit in Toronto.
Other moving options include renting a truck that you can pack and drive yourself, or using your own car, van, truck, or RV in order to make the move.
Stay Safe During Your Move
When you are moving to your new home, you should follow all of the government-mandated safety guidelines without compromise. You will need to uphold all sanitation and social distancing requirements before, during, and after the move.
Author Bio:
Monica Benoit is the Community Manager at Self Stor. She loves to write about self storage and it’s various aspects. She leverages her knowledge to educate people on the moving process and their storage needs and thus keeping their life safe.