Java is a high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1991. At present, there are more than 9 million Java developers. In 2014 the most significant changes occur in java programming that is Java SE 8. Java is similar to C++ which is an object-oriented language, simple, secured, artificial neutral and portable. Whenever a java developer wants to write a java program he should ensure that the program is simple, subject-oriented, robust, secured, and execute with high performance.
From Java to Appian BPM:
From the developer point of view it is not a good idea of switching from Java development to BPM development because it is a low code platform but, in order to provide solutions to business requirements, flexibility in designing, and providing good user experience, Appian BPM is the best choice. Before going to the switching process first we have to know what are the basic differences, similarities in between Java development and Appian BPM development.
To Android Developer:
Today the android market is very high because we have android in our phones but, what is next? Android is the subset of Java because Java is the core language that is used in Android. In order to create or develop an android app, we have to do it on the Java platform. So, at present, you do not have to move from Java but you can be both Java and Android.
SAP Hybris development:
SAP hybris is built on the top of Java which is spring framework. It is just E-commerce based Java development. Hybris software is an emerging business tool and allows unbelievable customizations. SAP applications enable to grow sustainably and adapt continuously. But the basic foundation of SAP hybris is Java programming.
Salesforce development:
If you enjoy the programming then salesforce is not a good platform whereas if your priority is earning money then Salesforce is best according to your capabilities. In future, salesforce development career will grow than the .Net. The person who is good at Java programming can easily move to salesforce hardly it takes 10 days for configuration part including admin and java development programming may take hardly one month as he is Java developer already. Considering the market strategy the salesforce is far better than Java development but Java is an ocean that can create many sub-sets like salesforce.
Python for App Development:
Python is used to develop the Android applications. Different approaches are used Py4A/SL4A, Necessitas Qt port, and PySide-based QML GUIs. Although Python is used for android app development in some cases Java plays a crucial role for developers because Java allows Python libraries reuse and quicker turnaround time. By using Java programming we can also develop Android applications. It is easy to understand and it is an object-oriented program.
Blockchain Development:
Nowadays, blockchain is moving very fast because it grasps the observation of central banks and governments. The common programs that are used for blockchain are Java, C++, Python. Also some new technologies like Solidity, Hyperledger are emerging. The background of solidity is JavaScript for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). As the solidity is JavaScript so it is very easy to understand. The platform of Hyperledger is open source for blockchain applications. Somehow it is a good idea to switch from Java development to blockchain as it is emerging faster than Java.
Oracle DBA:
The support for deploying and developing Java applications are provided by Oracle database.java is a programming language whereas Oracle dba is an RDBMS package. Both Java and Oracle dba has equal opportunities. As we got details Java is the outer body and Oracle is the bones inside the body. The first step is to learn both the Java and Oracle dba, later on, we have to decide which is suitable for our capabilities.
Software Engineer:
If you are looking for much competitive position with higher salary rate, softwr engineering might be a good career change for you. Software engineers handle different projects one after another so you can guarantee your technical experience will skyrocket. Software engineer salary usually range from $50 K to $170 k which varies state by state.
At present, the planet of computer website is working on the Java platform. Maybe some applications and developments like salesforce, Appian BPM, Python, Blockchain, SAP hybris have more market than Java but, the core program is Java for all that applications. So, in future many applications may come and go but, Java remains forever. It is good to learn and know about other applications but, switching from Java development to other developments is not a good idea.
Author Bio:
Anji Velagana, a graduate in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Jawaharlal Technological University, Kakinada. He is currently working for MindMajix Technologies as a content strategist.