Sexual health is imperative for everyone. In women, however, it is increasingly important. After all, the chance that you can get pregnant – regardless of whether the pregnancy is wanted or not – complicates your own health. You need to understand the risks and the signs of several gynecological conditions in order to take quick action and get the help that you need for the sake of your health and possibly even for the sake of the fetus.
Knowing if you have any of these gynecological conditions is a must. They make everyday life complicated, but if you either are or intend to get pregnant, they can cause severe complications that can lead to a miscarriage or can even put your own life at risk.
Clinics like gcaus.com.au can help give you the information that you need and can help with your sexual health and family planning, including terminating risky pregnancies. Before you get to that stage, however, ideally know in advance if you have any of these conditions:
1. Ovarian Cyst
Ovarian cysts are small, fluid-filled sacs that develop on either one or both of the ovaries. Despite how they sound, they are typically benign and will even go away on their own in a few months. In most cases, you will likely not even notice you have one, that is, of course, unless one ruptures. In this case, you should visit a doctor or hospital for treatment.
2. Pelvic Floor Disorders
There are several pelvic floor disorders, and each should be seen to by a doctor so that they can help you devise a plan to manage them. Urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and even pelvic organ prolapse are all examples of pelvic floor disorders that should be seen to by a doctor.
3. Endometriosis
This condition is more common than many think. It happens when tissue, similar to the lining you find in the womb, begins to grow outside of the womb. This tissue can grow alongside the ovaries or even the fallopian tubes. This is a long-term condition and causes severe abdominal pain and cramps. In severe cases, surgery is even necessary.
Polycystic ovary syndrome. It causes missed periods or results in an irregular period. The ovaries themselves have many cysts, and hormone imbalance is common, regulating excess body hair, weight gain, acne, male-pattern baldness, and even infertility.
5. Genital Tract Infection
Genital tract infection causes an unusual discharge, itchiness, or even a pain or burning sensation during sex or when you pee. Genital tract infections or reproductive tract infections have three types. The first are GTIs caused by an STD or STI. The second is an endogenous infection, where an overgrowth of organisms naturally found in the genital tract becomes overgrown. The third time is known as iatrogenic infections and occurs after an improperly performed medical procedure.
6. Vaginal Skin Disorders
There are many types of vaginal and vulva skin disorders, including folliculitis, contact dermatitis, lichen planus, lichen sclerosus, lichen simplex chronicus, and Bartholin gland cysts. The most common is folliculitis, which occurs when bacteria infect a hair follicle.
7. Hormonal Acne or Hair Growth
PCOS and several other conditions can cause hormonal acne or hair growth. Getting checked out is imperative when you experience extreme acne or are experiencing unusual hair growth, as this is likely a sign of an underlying condition affecting your hormones.
8. Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids cause many symptoms such as heavy periods, long periods, pelvic pressure, and pain in that area. You may also experience pain when urinating or find it difficult to empty your bladder. There are several treatment options for uterine fibroids, so visiting a doctor is a must.
9. Infertility
There are many causes of infertility, and both men and women can be infertile (though usually for different reasons). The most common cause of infertility in females, for example, is PCOS. The most common reason for infertility in men is due to abnormal sperm production or genetic defects. In both men and women, STIs or STDs can also cause infertility.
10. Cancer
Cancer can develop in any part of the body, though the most common types are ovarian cancer or uterine cancer. Knowing the symptoms of several cancers is a must. Ovarian cancer is typically very dangerous, and not because it is impossible to treat. Rather the issue is that ovarian cancer takes a long time before it starts to exhibit symptoms serious enough for women to get the issue checked out. During that time, the cancer often develops to the latter stages. It is for this reason several groups have been pushing for ovarian cancer screening on top of cervical screens.
Found early, these gynecological cancers can be treated, even if that treatment involves removing the cells (and often the organ).