eCommerce sales have witnessed exponential growth during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In fact, online sales grew significantly between April 2020 and March 2021 followed by a flat curve after the Pandemic.
And because of this surge in eCommerce sales, today, every DTC (Direct-To-Consumer) eCommerce brand is now asking the same question – “How will the online sales change in the future holiday seasons?”
Well, the good news is that online eCommerce sales are only going to grow further in the future, especially during the holiday seasons.
However, in order to gain the maximum benefits throughout all holiday seasons, you need to maintain your digital presence well enough to engage with your customers.
Put another way, DTC eCommerce brands need to leverage the data obtained from their digital shelf in order to increase engagement and sales.
And in this post, we’re going to share 5 tips to boost your eCommerce sales during holiday seasons.
5 Tips to Boost Your DTC eCommerce Sales during Holiday Seasons
While the Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas holidays are the busiest time period for DTC eCommerce brands, there are, however, certain ways to take advantage of every holiday season.
Below, we’ve shared the 5 most effective tips to boost your sales during every holiday season.
1 – Dominate the Product Search Results
If your products, be they toys, kitchen appliances, or electronics, don’t rank on the first search results page, they’re simply invisible to your target customers.
In fact, as far as your potential customers are concerned, your products simply don’t exist for them.
Therefore, your first and most important priority should be to dominate the top positions on the products search results page.
2 – Leverage Analytics on Competitor Inventory
If you can equip the right tools to track when a popular holiday product goes out of stock from your competitor’s online store, you can take that opportunity to pounce on top product search results using their branded search keyword.
In simple words, the moment you discover their popular holiday product is no longer available, you must double down on paid ads.
Once you do and when a customer searches for that competitor’s product and sees that it’s out of stock, you can strategically show up as the next best alternative and win that sale.
3 – Offer Multiple Payment Methods
Different people appeal to different payment methods in different circumstances. For instance, some customers have a strong preference for a specific payment method and therefore, they actively look for and only shop from DTC online stores that facilitate them.
Now, if your DTC eCommerce store lacks the resources or infrastructure to support & offer different payment methods, it’s critical to partner with an agency that can equip your store with multiple payment methods.
4 – Turn Every Customer Touch Point into “Shoppable”
Shoppable touch points are the latest technology in the eCommerce industry and it basically lets you convert every possible customer touch point into a point of purchase, resulting in increased holiday sales.
They’re many tools available that can be easily integrated with any medium and create an easy path to purchase in an eCommerce store.
For example, swiping up, clicking on a video, display ads, social media post, blog link, etc. can take customers to any place, including the product detail page or where to buy landing page, or compare prices page where a customer can add the product into their shopping cart with a single click.
5 – Use Your Customers’ Preferred Language
The categories that your customers seek don’t always align well with the categories you tag your products with.
For instance, your potential customers may search for a specific type of shirt or shoes, but you may use broader terms to define your product categories.
Because of this, your potential customers sometimes can’t find the exact product they’re looking for in your eCommerce store and end up abandoning your store altogether.
Now, if you want to make sure that your products do appear in the search results, you need to optimize the titles of your product pages in the words your customers generally use to find products like yours.
In simple words, you need to adapt your customers’ preferred choice of words in order to ensure your products appear when your customers perform a product search on your eCommerce store.
As we said before, there are many other holidays, apart from Black Friday, Cyber Monday, & Christmas, across the year during which you can boost your DTC eCommerce sales.
And hopefully, these tips will help you to make a significant impact on your DTC eCommerce sales during all holiday seasons throughout the year.