Whether you work in the private sector of healthcare and have your own practice of that kind or run a GP surgery through the NHS, you should always be on the lookout to improve the manner in which your surgery runs. By implementing better practices on a routine basis, you can ensure that you patients are receiving the best healthcare possible and that your employees are happy with their work environment.
However, improving your GP surgery isn’t always an easy task, especially when you have financial constraints and budgets to consider. While some improvements will constitute an investment on your part, not all improvements need to come in the form of spending or purchases. There are actually a number of improvements that can be made simply by changing up the way in which you communicate with your staff.
Here are a few ways in which you can improve your surgery practice for the betterment of your patients, staff, and of yourself.
Stock Up on Disposable Medical Supplies
The last year has seen a great deal of change throughout the world as well as the medical community. While in many respects, there are some things that haven’t and never will change when it comes to healthcare, there are some things that have changed for the foreseeable future at the very least.
For instance, those within the medical community have never been strangers to personal protective equipment (PPE) and hand sanitizer. While such things were used on a routine basis for various reasons, the events of the past year have made them a more significant part of healthcare than ever before. Instead of being something that is used for certain procedures and in particular instances, PPE is now required work attire for all healthcare professionals and even patients.
Upon entering a surgery, a patient must be wearing a mask and has to use hand sanitizer. Your staff, both medical staff, and receptionists alike need to be wearing such face coverings at all times. Nurses and physicians should be wearing disposable aprons and even eye coverings in some cases. Disposable gloves are also things that are being used more frequently.
In order to improve your surgery so that it can keep up with the demands of the times, make sure that you are fully stocked up on such disposable medical supplies. Staying stocked on such things shouldn’t break your budget, though. You can find all that you need for the right price at medical-supermarket.com.
Implement Better Communication Practices
One change that you can make to your GP surgery that shouldn’t cost you a thing is the implementation of better communication practices. All businesses, including those in the healthcare sector, can only function properly when those in charge are communicating effectively and efficiently.
When running a GP surgery, there are a variety of communications that take place on a daily basis. You need to be communicating with your staff and they with you. There are also external communications with your team reaching out to and interacting with patients. Internal communications are going to be coming in at all times from patients, pharmacists, and suppliers, among others.
All of these communications have to be handled in the proper way. There should also be a detailed record of all relevant communications that take place at your surgery to avoid confusion in the future. If it has been a while since you have evaluated the communication practices that are in place at your surgery, now might be the time to make sure that you have the very best practices in place so as to keep things running as they should.
Focus on Employee Retention
Another common factor between running a business and running a medical practice involves the retention of employees. Too much turnover is never a good sign and can be indicative that some serious improvements need to be made. What’s more, is that not all employee turnover can be chalked up to salary or compensation. Oftentimes, when an employee decides to leave, it has to do with the workplace environment as opposed to pay.
When you go through the process of hiring your staff members, whether you are focusing on medical or non-medical workers, you need to ensure that the people you are bringing on board are committed to staying on board for the foreseeable future. While some people might not be as forthcoming about this information, you should keep your eye open for any red flags.
If you have been experiencing higher than average turnover and your pay is competitive, you should evaluate the workplace environment that you have created for your workers. It is very likely that some improvements need to be implemented in order to ensure that your employees are satisfied with their employment situation.