Giving birth is seen as a beautiful thing, but it can truly wreak havoc on the body. From tears to discomfort, to bloating, there is a lot that giving birth can do to your body. If you aren’t careful, your body might suffer from severe postpartum complications that could even end your life. However, this is highly unlikely in this day and age and thanks to modern medicine. That is why you need to focus on improving your health as much as you can after you give birth, because your baby needs you to be at your best.
Have the Right Tools on Hand
The body has to change dramatically in order to give birth, so it is only reasonable to expect that it will take a while to get back to normal – or, at least, a new normal. The latter may take some time to adjust to. For the time being it is best to simply prepare for how your body is going to act. Incontinence, for example, can be common for women who have just given birth. Your pelvic floor muscles are weaker, which can cause an overactive bladder. By having convenient disposable washcloths on hand as well as items like a pad, or adult diaper, you can stay on the go in comfort while your body heals. This is a great and discreet way to handle the issue without it impacting your social or work life. You can carry on living a fulfilling life without worrying too much about such issues.
Attend Your Postpartum Checkups
Postpartum checkups are a critical component to your post birth recovery and should never be avoided. There is a lot that can go wrong during a pregnancy that might not be deduced until days or even weeks afterwards. For example, if there is a piece of placenta left in your uterus after birth, this could cause hemorrhaging and requires surgery to remove. By going to postpartum checkups, even if you feel fine, you can reduce the risk and even improve your recovery. You should never miss an appointment, otherwise certain complications could worsen or catch you off-guard.
Do The Right Exercises
Having the right tools will help you get through your recovery period, but to speed up the process, you need to exercise. If you have incontinence, for example, then doing Kegel exercises can really help by strengthening your pelvic floor. To do these exercises, hold your muscles as if you needed to stop yourself from urinating, and hold that clench for at least 10 seconds before releasing. Repeat this ten times for at least three times per day.
Exercise is vital. It can not only help shed the baby weight but it can also allow you to move outside the house and have time with yourself. Have someone look after the baby while you have me-time at the gym, or if you cannot find help, there are many baby yoga classes you can participate in. Options are there, be sure to find them and make use of what is out there. You’ll feel happier doing so.
Have Help with the Baby
Caring for your own body can be difficult when you have a newborn competing for attention. This does not mean you should ever sacrifice your recovery. Instead, ask for help. If you are sore and in pain and desperately need to sleep, have either your partner or a family member care for your baby for a few hours. It takes a village, not one person, to raise a child, and asking for this help can help you heal faster so that you can get back to your old self sooner.
Your parents will love to look after their grandchild, so put them to good use. If you need to have some time to yourself, have them take the baby for the morning or have them simply move around the house and care for the baby while you sleep. Again, make sure your partner is also put to good use. Share the responsibility and take it in turns when the baby wakes in the middle of the night; the same should be applied to changing the nappy, which we all know is not the most fun job on the planet. You should never leave it for one person to do, and this applies to both the mother and father. Remember that there is nothing wrong with asking for help, especially if you are struggling.
You will not be at 100% the day after you give birth, and that is okay. Listen to your body and do all you can to support it while you recover. While you do this, invite your loved ones to help you care for your newborn so that you can recover.