Is your fat chin bugging you? In the realm of DSLR photography, Instagram Reels, Facebook selfies, and Snapchat front-facing flash videos, the appearance of bulges under your chin and jaw are extremely problematic. With that ugly double din, we start losing our self-confidence and often find it quite uncomfortable trying to hide our disgusting double chin when taking photos.
Your face is the most prominent part of your body that people notice when it comes to appearance. If you have always wanted a chiseled jawline but don’t know how here we are unveiling the secrets that will help you get the sharpened chiseled jawline you’ve always dreamed of.
What creates a double chin?
Double chins are caused by various degrees of fat accumulation, skin looseness, and muscle thickening. In most cases, an underdeveloped chin bone creates the appearance of a short, fat neck. A well-chosen combination of treatments helps in improving almost everyone’s appearance ideally.
Here are some healthy eating habits:
- Eat three servings of fruits daily
- Eat four servings of vegetables daily
- Lessen your sugar intake
- Replace refined grains with whole grains
- Avoid processed foods
- Eat healthy fats including, avocados, olive oil, and nuts
- Eat low-fat dairy products
Here are some exercises to shed of double chin:
Enhancing your cheekbones and shredding extra fat from your face is much easier by doing facial exercises. It is the foremost key to look younger naturally. Facial exercises help in increasing blood circulation and counteract wrinkles.
Fish face
The most popular pose of people while clicking selfies, the fish face is a perfect way to get rid of your double chin. All you have to do is keep your cheeks in and hold the position for around 30 minutes. Relax your face and repeat it 3-4 times.
Dumbbell technique
It is the simplest yet effective exercise to get rid of your double chin. Lift your chin up and watch the roof. Open your mouth and then close. Repeat it for about 10-15 minutes and bring your face down. Repeat 3-4 times for melting your face fat quickly.
Lipoma wand
It is the safest and effective non-surgical solution for double chin. Rub the wand and oil over the your double chin. Easily massage your double chin removal wand back over the area for around 20 minutes. This skin-friendly tool starts working on the structure of your face right from its first use.
Simha Mudra
Bend down and fold your legs behind. Try to keep your palms on your thighs. Now keep your back straight and stick out your tongue. When stretching your tongue, ensure you don’t strain the muscles. Take a deep breath and make a roaring round when exhaling. Repeat for about 6-7 times.
Mouthwash technique
You have to fill your mouth with air and rinse. Take the air towards the right, then to the left, and then the middle. Keep repeating it for around 2-30 seconds and then exhale. For more effective results, it’s better to do 3-4 repetitions of the exercise.
Pucker up
Pout your lips as you kiss the sky and stretch them as far away from your face as possible. Stick your bottom lip out to form a pout, hold for 3 seconds. Tilt your chin towards your chest and hold for another 3 seconds. Repeat this exercise about 20-30 times.
Common reasons for double chin
Spending more time on smart devices
Keeping your head in downwards while using a phone, laptop, or any other portable device wreak havoc on your posture, causing a sagging neckline.
Different medical conditions
Various health-related issues contribute to a double chin, including Cushing’s disease, underactive thyroid, salivary gland inflammation, kidney disorders, and a sinus infection.
Genetic factors
A loose chin may be a genetic trait passed down from one generation to the next. A person with a family history of skin with little elasticity or a double chin is more prone to develop a double chin.
Diet and weight
Gaining weight isn’t always the reason of a double chin; however in most cases, it can contribute to it. People taking a diet high in processed foods, calories, and unhealthy fats can get a higher risk of a double chin.
Possible non-surgical remedies to get rid of double chin
- Take frequent breaks and reduce spending more time on your devices. Take care of your posture and try to straighten your spine and neck.
- Exercise and weight loss help to lessen your double chin. There are various exercises that can tighten your facial muscle around the neck, chin, and mouth.
- No doubt, there are various creams and lotions on the market that claims to tighten your skin on the neck. Although the results are temporary, they might help you feel better for special occasions.
- There are enormous products for double chin removal in the market with innovative and targeted cooling technology applicators. They are great for eliminating fat cells below the surface of your skin ideally.
- The best non-surgical remedy for a double chin is a Lipoma wand. If you want to lose your double chin instantly and permanently, it can be just the procedure for you.
As the chin plays a crucial role in the profile of your face, it’s better to consider these simple methods for correction. Treating double chin will automatically increase your self-confidence and make you feel full of the joys of spring.
Author Bio
The specialist at medical procedures and blogs, Jeremy Donovan is well-renowned for its exceptional research and consultation for muscle pains, and reliefs. He is an entrepreneur, consultant, medical blog writer and physician, who loved to share insights about non surgical chin fat removal and treatment remedies.