Are you able to cope up with your diet and exercise regime with a busy schedule? Isn’t it too hectic to lose weight due to a hectic schedule?
I am quite sure, most of you are chanting yes! Well, you are not alone since every other workaholic is going through the same situation.
It becomes quite difficult to lose weight and maintain a balanced diet if you are working from 9 to 5. Our body comes to the verge of exhaustion at the end of the day. We are left with nearly zero energy to go for the gym and sweat it out after coming back home.
But there is something worse than this!
While sitting at the respective desks, people are more tend to binge eat because the entire energy of our body is being used while we do any sort of task even sitting still and working on the laptop. Therefore, we become hungry quite often which is the main cause of overdose of unhealthy junk food.
Also, even if you are not going out to work but running errands this will also make the situation complicated to take out time to exercise or keeping a track on calories.
You must have come across many weight loss tips which are speedy and effective. However, in order to lose weight with the utmost effects, one must switch to healthy fruit diet for a while, not more than two weeks as recommended by the health experts.
Fruit diet a.k.a fruitarian diet actually means that the diet consists of eating either 50-75% of raw fruits, sometimes nuts and seeds or depending solely on fruits. All the vegetables, dairy products and processed food arenot consumed in this diet.Fruits for weight loss will be the best option that needs to include in your diet.
Have a look at some of the amazing benefits of fruit diet: 
- Fruits are low in calories despite the sweet taste, which can help to satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way and can be used as a dessert as well.
- Fruits are enriched with a high content of vitamin C which helps improve the immune system and makes the teeth as well as gums stronger.
- Due to the presence of antioxidants, fruits help in making the skin glow and make it clean and clear without any blemishes.
- Eating different juicy fruits prevents the risk of cancer as well.
- Fruits cut down the hunger and make your stomach feel full.
Let’s find out the basic yet important weight loss tips that you can use if you have a packed schedule at home/office:
- Take the stairs rather than lift at home as well as in the office.
- If you live nearby, go to the office by cycle and burn 100+ calories every day.
- Drink heaps of water as it will make you feel full.
- Go for 2-3 min walk in the lunch break or evening break.
- If you are going to office by private vehicle, then park it at least a distance of 2-3min away from the office building.
- If you don’t have time in the weekends to go gym or yoga class, dancing or singing can be the best alternate options to lose weight.
- Play outdoor sports at the weekend like basketball, football, tennis ball along with your friends and family.
- Take out some time (15-30min) for a morning walk or brisk walking.
- Use public transport to communicate at your work location or for shopping.
Sticking on these most obvious yet effective weight losstips can do wonders in your weight loss journey. Sooner you will be adapted to these changes and they will become the essential part of your lifestyle.
Now let’s go through the ways through which you can enjoy the fruit diet plan even with a tight schedule. Go make notes!
- It’s better to write down everything or create a reminder prior to the time to eat fruits. It will help in keeping a track of the amount of calories being taken.
- Morning is the best time to eat an excess of fruits like bananas, berries, spinachetc. Since you have to work for many hours, therefore, you need the energy to get through the entire day. Either juice it up or make smoothies out of it to start off the day.
- Lunching can include fresh cold-pressed juice along with any of your favorite fruit.
- For dinner, eat a fruit salad of cucumber, tomatoes, bananas and mangoes.
- Snacks are the best time to eat fruits if you are not on a fruit diet. Take an apple, banana, watermelon and other juicy fruits during the break.
- Drink a lot of water to satisfy the hunger of your stomach.
- Fresh cold-pressed juices are the best alternative if you are sick of eating all-fruits every time. Cold-pressed juices are tasty, healthy and 100% natural which brings a sense of refreshment.
As the name suggests “Cold-pressed”, therefore, it does not consist of any adulteration like artificial color, flavor, sweetening etc.
- Bananas, lemon juice, coconut, Greek yogurt, cashews and nuts are the fruits to eat anytime.
- Meanwhile, eat a single fruit as a snack.
Note that this is just a sample of a fruit diet. You can, however, add/delete as per your body requirements. Since everyone’s body type and metabolism differs from each other it is recommended to consult it with your doctor first to avoid any future problems.
Now that you have understood how to maintain your fruit diet. Let’s have a look at the things you should keep in mind being a fruitarian!
- While eating fruits as the only source of food in your everyday diet, make sure to eat the right fruit in the right amount and at the right time.
- Do not overdose certain type of fruits in your diet as they might cause a side-effect.
- Fruit diet should no longer be followed for more than two weeks since our body requires some amount of other essential nutrients which might not be present in fruits.
- Consult to your dietician or family doctor before going for fruitarian diet. Do not forget to go for routine check-ups afterward.
- It is not necessary to solely depend on fruits in a fruitarian diet. According to health experts, you can intake vegetables, seeds and nuts as well for proper nourishment.
- Watermelon, berries, grapefruit, apples, pomegranates, oranges and bananas should be on top of the priority list while going for fruit diet.
- Eat one type of fruit at a time. Avoid mixing of different fruits.
- Keep a gap of a minimum of 90minutes before eating another fruit.
- Refrain from eating dried fruits as they are high in calories and causes problems if eaten in excess.
Final thoughts:
Although fruits are rich in high content of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals still it will affect the health if continued for a long period of time. The drastic change in a diet will lead to cause several problems like cravings, nausea, fatigue and upset stomach. Lack of protein and calcium in most of the fruits is yet another reason which might create problem in the overall health.
Fruit diet is “Big No” for pregnant ladies and though who are suffering from any other illness/disease. Better to consult with the health professional after taking the steps which might create prolong effects to your health.