Moving is always a challenge and is not considered one of the most stressful life events for nothing – claims backed even by science.
From the hassle of hunting for a house, to the purging of items you want to get rid of for this reason or the other, to the sourcing of packing supplies and the packing itself, not to mention the actual physical move, moving is an engaging activity that can leave you stretched thin and burned out.
Now, the global pandemic that is Covid-19 has only served to throw a spanner in the works of what was already a complicated process.
That’s because there are health guidelines that need to be adhered to to protect yourself and your loved ones throughout the process. Not to mention some states have stricter guidelines that need to be observed, in case you have a long-distance move on the cards.
This article aims to provide some practical tips to help you navigate this uncharted territory we find ourselves in the midst of.
Before the Move
- Choose your mover carefully
If you’re like most people, you probably will be moving with the help of a moving company. When evaluating moving companies, don’t hold back in inquiring what measures they have in place to ensure safety during this sensitive Covid-19 period.
Most movers worth their salt clearly understand the need to prioritize the safety of their customers and will have a plan in place that doesn’t involve taking chances.
Some questions you could ask the mover include:
What Covid-19 precautions is your moving crew taking to help curb the spread?
What precautions do you have as a company to ensure the safety of your team?
What precautions would you advise me to take during the move?
What would your course of action be if a customer or one of your employees is diagnosed with Covid-19?
Do you have any information on Covid-19 I can review before I schedule a move with you?
- Consider a virtual moving estimate
During this period that we’re urged to minimize contact with the outside world as much as we practically can, it’s best to get a virtual moving quote as opposed to an on-site visit.
A virtual estimate can either be through a phone call or video estimate, but we would recommend video as it’s likely to give you a more accurate quote that you can properly budget for.
- Be clear on the aspect of move rescheduling
If you decide to postpone your move during these uncertain times, ensure the mover you’re working with is flexible. This is something you can confirm when getting the moving quote.
Find out about the moving company’s refund and/or deposit policies should you, for some reason, need to call off the move. Most reputable movers will work to accommodate your needs.
While you’re at it, also have the mover assign you someone you can be in contact with should the need to reschedule or cancel arise – or for any other queries for that matter.
During the Move
When the movers arrive at your house and during the course of the move, some safety measures you can observe include:
- Avoiding handshakes
Instead, greet with a smile. In these trying times, everyone understands so it won’t come off as rude.
- Handwashing
While the moving team may have their own safety procedures, request the movers to wash hands when they arrive.
As well, if possible, set aside a common restroom that the movers can use.
Have disinfectant wipes near entryways and in the restroom for doorknobs and light switches.
- Maintain social distance
As the moving crew goes about their business, practice social distancing. Also, as much as you’d like to, refrain from helping out and just let the movers do their thing.
The kids, pets, and vulnerable household members should never mix with the moving crew.
- Observe CDC recommended protocols
The usual rules apply here – wearing masks, regular handwashing, limiting food sharing, regularly surface disinfecting etc.
You can find Covid-19 guidelines here.
After the Move
- Clean and disinfect
Before settling in, thoroughly disinfect your new home and do the same for all your belongings as you unpack.
All the packing materials need to be disposed of. You can reach out to your local government agency for advice on disposal or recycling of moving boxes and other packing material.
In Closing
Look, the novel coronavirus that is Covid-19 has made every aspect of our lives more complicated.
In the case of moving, it adds another layer of effort we would rather avoid, especially with all the cleaning and disinfecting required.
But desperate times call for desperate measures. If you have a move planned during these tricky months, it is best to go that extra step to ensure your safety and that of your loved ones, especially where kids and the more susceptible such as the elderly are involved.