MS Excel is the spreadsheet software program which has been produced by Microsoft for Windows, Mac OS, Android, and IOS. It allows you to use the spreadsheet system to organize data and interpret results. It is the important part of Microsoft office suite. It has graphical tools, pivot tables, and macro programming language. Excel plays very important role in our daily life. It uses visual basics of application which allow the user to create the numerical formula to solve the complex problems. The programmer can use visual basic coding and debug.
Excel is a great time saver if you know right techniques and tools to use. If you excel in using it, then it will lead to career advancement. It is difficult to learn Excel on your own, you need to join some training institute to master the MS Excel. However, in this article, we have shared some techniques which will be helpful for you. But learning from a reputed institute and gaining the certification is add value to your career.
Best techniques of excel
Selection- In general public knows only a few things. Now to select all the data we use shortcut control + A, but very few know that in excel you can select data by one click in seconds. There is a corner button on the upper side which you can select and it will select all the data at once. There is a technique to open all the bulk excel files in a single window. All files can be open simultaneously in a single click. There is a handy way to open the multiple files. Select the multiple files you would like to open and click enter key button. All the files will be open in single sick.
Advanced formula- some people are able to do addition on the Ms excel and some feel that excel is only for storing data. If you know the advance skills of Ms excel then you can create your own formula to solve the complex question. The advance excels user can create the formula by using SUMIFS, SUMPRODUCT, INDEX, MATCH etc they also know how to debug the formula or modify or audit them. So it is the need of the hour that working professional should have the advanced skills of ms excel. The sad part is that only 20 % of the professionals know these skills and that is why they are lacking behind.
Tables- Ms excel is not only used for storing data. One should know table formatting to make the data presentable. There are many techniques to make your data look professional with tables, cells styles, formatting option etc. These skills will not come on your own; you need a proper training to learn these skills. It is necessary to possess these skills for better career advancement.
Formatting- it is the most powerful feature of Ms excel. You can choose to do to conditional formatting for the selected data on the spreadsheet. For example, if you are a manager and you wish to see the data of underperformance employees. In such case, you need to use conditional formatting. If there are 500 employees and out of them, 50 is underperformance. You can do formatting to select the data of under average cells. In few seconds you can easily get the results. Advance excel user can do more than conditional formatting. They can combine formulas and highlight the data.
Charting- on the spreadsheet you can also make charts. Very few people know about this technique. Only the skilled person can use the charting technique effectively. You should know to pick the right chart for your data. You should have the ability to combine the charts to get one solution. There is a technique of using cell charts and formatting the charts. Through training and learning, you can set up dynamic and interactive charts.
Pivot tables- To analyse the mass data you need to use pivot tables. There are various techniques used in pivot tables like grouping, slicers, calculations, summary and many more features. One should possess the detailed knowledge of using pivot tables and pivot reporting.
Use of VBA & Macros- Visual basic of application is the programming language of ms excel. Macro is the piece of programming code used in Ms excel. It saves lots of time and effort. It records the routine steps in excel on everyday basis and replays those steps by using a single button. Let’s take the example, every day at the office you need to prepare the report at the end of the day of the cash transaction on excel. So, excel will store the routine task of preparing the report and solve your problem by automatically preparing the report daily like it will import data and prepare the report.
VBA record your steps in excel programming language. For this, you don’t need to have any technical knowledge. Excel has a technique to automatically generate the codes and work on your behalf. The person who knows this technique is the highly productive asset of the company.
Simulations- The excel technique is used to use the massive data and to analyze it. It helps to solve model practical problems and find a solution by using a “Solver” tool. With the help of ‘simulation” tool, you can simulate data through statistics. You can do the trend analysis through built-in functions of MS Excel.
Integration- You can combine other MS office suit like Ms. Access, MS outlook, or Ms. PowerPoint with MS excels to get the best solution. Integrating other tools optimize the functioning of the Ms excel.
Learning MS excel skills are mandatory to survive in the corporate world. Even for a personal recording of data, it is really helpful. You need to have good knowledge of all the above tools and there are many more important features to learn. We suggest you to take the certification course of MS Excel to master your skills and enhance your career growth. Just get training and master your skills.
Author Bio: NishantAgarwal has a good knowledge about Advanced MSExcel Training Course. He wants to explore his experience with other people. So, he has written this article.