Since the 17th century, mathematics has played a vital role in physical sciences and technology. From recorded history, maths has been from every civilized society. As civilization developed, people began to work with geometrical shapes which computes areas and volumes in practical applications. Mathematics then slowly went hand in hand with algebra and then next trigonometry. Greek civilization took it to the next level, they used it for their incredible architecture, later divided into several schools, named The Ionian school, The Pythagorean school, and The Eleatic school, etc., many Greeks made an indelible mark on the history of mathematics. In recent times it achieved a similar role in quantitative aspects of life sciences. Maths is part of science, but it is first evolved by counting and measuring. Deep down mathematics is a building block of all fundamental elements in our daily lives. It reveals the hidden pattern of the world around us. Psychologists suggest maths will develop an analytical mind with better organization of ideas, it will make us an accurate expression of thoughts. Man’s life is purely dependent and part of numerical and calculation. “ Language in which God has written the world” these words are said by Galileo.
Many students are gifted when it comes to mathematics, but many struggle to graduate in maths. With the evaluation of computers, many students think maths is no longer relevant in the future because the computer does all the jobs for them. But for school education maths is a must-learn subject for children. Many students undergo struggles while learning maths. Here are some strategies for motivating students in mathematics.
Extrinsic Motivation:
Students are feeling powerless because they are either monitored or controlled by parents and teachers. But it is in the hands of the teacher to empower a student. Every student’s ability differs from one another, it is the duty of the teacher to identify the individuals before diving into choice. The student should have the power to choose and demonstrate what they learn of their choice. Learning becomes more convincing when students are given a choice. Communication plays a key role in the relationship between teachers and students, through communications students can be encouraged to take ownership of learning including their mistakes, by this practice students can become an independent learner.
Strategies in learning mathematics:
Many students do not understand how maths will help them in the future. When you help students in understanding this connection it will motivate them, they will surely appreciate how mathematics can translate into a career. Maths is the only subject that need not learn instead work out the sums.
- Break the anxiety for maths among students. Many have a negative attitude towards it, teachers should identify them and prevent transmitting them accordingly. When students are struggling to solve problems express confidence and provide guidance instead of consoling.
- Maths is very much connected to the world around us, so it is merely important to teach kids about the connection. By teaching the maths that integrates with music and visual arts will make them rethink the concept.
- Try to focus on the area which you do not understand before moving on to another topic. Working out is essential when it comes to maths, unlike other subjects understanding is the only key and no need to mug up.
- Present a challenge among students, it will create great enthusiasm. But great care should be taken while picking up the challenge because it should lead directly into the lesson and at the same time it should be within the reach of students’ abilities.
- Before introducing a lesson indicate the usefulness of the topic. The topic you are introducing should be brief enough to understand the actual concept, it will help them motivate instead of distracting.
- Games will be an extraordinary choice for students to engage in learning without distracting from class, simultaneously promoting strategic mathematical thinking. Understanding the operations and tricks used in maths by games will be fun.
- Memorizing formulas and procedures is a quite hard part of maths. But this technique will not lead to understanding. Teach them to solve problems using various strategies without starting with formulas, once students understand the concept of sums then explain them with a formula. This will create a better understanding and mental connection with statics.
- Teamwork – Working together as a team in solving a math trick is an effective way to achieve goals. It encourages team spirit.
- Let’s take a break from boring blackboard classes, and enter into technology and teach students through many math applications available online with high standards. This will create a new interest in subjects like maths, with colorful learning one may endure new interest in boring subjects.
- Using visuals images to teach is an efficient way of guiding the students. They can attain more interest.
Guidelines for a tutor
It is all in the hands of effective teachers to take students on the right path and make subjects more interesting. They can give rewards as recognition, even for small achievements, it will motivate and encourage them to do more of such activities. Being intentional with a creative approach towards students will motivate them to learn.
Author Bio:
Dharani is a content strategist of SchoolBasix, who research on latest topics what education industry speaks about. Specializes in handling blogs that potential means of marketing and circulating across social media and holds a masters degree in marketing.