Maintaining your website is same as maintaining a house or car. Imagine what will happen to your car if you don’t take it for regular service or change its engine oil. It might run for some time but it will encounter problems which will cost you more. Similarly, if you are running a website it needs regular service and maintenance.
You need a Search engine optimization (SEO) plan to increase and maintain the ranking of your website. Search engine optimization also helps you to attract more visitors to your site and sell your products and services. You cannot run a website profitably without a monthly SEO maintenance plan.
This post explains in the best way, why you need to subscribe to a monthly SEO plan.
Search Engine ranking 
The ranking of a website may increase or decrease in a short time. For example, if your website appears in the first place on the search engine rankings, it may be on the third place tomorrow. The search engine ranking may also fluctuate in a single day. A monthly SEO plan helps you monitor and maintain your website rankings on search engines.
Keyword research
New websites are added to the web every day which disturbs the ranking of keywords. This means that the keywords that once ranked high may not work forever. The keywords you use may position your website in high search engine positions, but if you are not getting any traffic from them, you need to change the keywords. SEO analysis helps you with the keyword research, and uses the right keywords to increase the traffic.
Increasing the traffic
To attract more traffic to your website you need to know where you are getting most of your traffic. You should place your products on the page which gets most of the traffic to increase the sales and make more profits. This requires monitoring of the complete website which is done by the SEO professionals.
Ignoring your competitors can be the biggest mistake in maintaining a website. If you are ranking better than your competitors they will work their best to outrank you on the search engines. The quality of content and backlinks also contribute to your ranking on search engines. Subscribing to an SEO maintenance plan can help you beat the competition and increasing the ranking or your website.
Search Algorithms
The search engines constantly change their search algorithms which affect the ranking of the websites. Even some websites on the top positions may go to the second page on search engine results. Even if you rank well for the keywords, your website rankings may drop within a few months. To maintain or increase the search engine rankings, you need to make changes in your SEO strategy.
Website structure and navigation
If your visitors find it difficult to navigate your website or see the broken links, you need to repair the structure of your website. A quick SEO plan will help you to tweak the structure and make it easy to navigate for the visitors.
Update your content regularly
The search engines like the updated and fresh content and so do the visitors. With the arrival or every new Google algorithm, they fine-tune themselves to lift the fresh content and most frequently updated websites to the top of search engine rankings. Updating your content regularly keep your visitors coming back to your website which results in more traffic and more sales.
Security of your website
The security of your website is equally important for the content and your customer’s confidential data. If your website ranks well on the search engines, some groups of people known as hackers may be continually evaluating your website for a security breach. They want to steal your data, your customer’s data as well as everything that they can hack from your website. A website maintenance plan protects your confidential data from the security breaches and threats. If you already rank well you cannot afford to miss the security of your website.
Link Popularity
Link popularity is the amount other high quality websites that have backlinks pointing back to your website. More the number of such websites that have your backlinks, more they will help to improve your engine rankings. An SEO expert helps you to research the other sites related to your niche and add or exchange links with them. You may also need to add a links/resources page to your site. High quality links can lift your website high in the search rankings and bring traffic to it.
Final Words
Maintaining a website is not an easy task. An SEO maintenance plan helps you to do the necessary keyword research, analyse the web pages and create high quality links to increase your search engine ranking and attract organic traffic.