Dental Implant. The best alternative to missing teeth. The Implant not only looks like your natural missing teeth but also works accordingly.
If you ever research about dental implants, these are the lines you will come across which are usually used to describe dental implants.
All the above statements as mentioned above are true from every aspect since the Implants are now widely placed and have proven to be a better option than any other for missing teeth. And with the advancement in technology, the Implants have improved over time. The success rate of dental implants is now 98% and anybody who has undergone this procedure has been satisfied with it and have all praises for the same.
But today we will talk about the 2% case which is less talked about i.e. about dental implant failure.
There are people who face this issue and is important to be talking about. This is because no matter how good the technological advancements be but still there are various cases wherein your implants might fail.
When this happens the questions that are raised or come in the mind of an individual are endless. Firstly, they might be thinking as to how did the implants fail? What consequences are they going to face after this? Can this be fixed by themselves or can their dentist fix this for them? If the Implants have failed, then do they need to get another Implant, or will the dentist fix the already existing one?
Through this blog, we will try and get you the answers to all these questions.
So, let us start with what is a Dental Implant?
A dental implant is the titanium post which is placed on the area of missing tooth. It is a screw which is put in the place of the tooth root and helps the tooth to build up. It is an artificial bone which provides strength to the tooth for better and smooth functioning. Till date, it has been proven to be the best alternative for missing the natural tooth.
Although the success rate of this surgical procedure is quite high, yet there are chances of the failure. The reasons for the same can be many and can broadly cause either early implant failure or long-term failure. The reasons differ for each.
Early Implant Failure
As the name suggests, early implant failure can occur within 3 or 4 months of completing the procedure. This is the phase when the implant is integrating with your jawbone and is often referred to as the healing period.
The causes of early dental implant failure are as follows:
Insufficient Blood Supply
Just like any other wound, dental implants also require some nutrients to heal completely. These nutrients are carried with the help of blood. Having insufficient blood supply will slower the healing period which causes difficulty in the procedure. The reason for poor blood supply could be a blood clot or an autoimmune disease.
Autoimmune Disease
Patients suffering from the autoimmune disease have high chances of implant failure. This is because dental implants require the natural mechanism of the body to heal. Having an autoimmune disease makes the immune system of your body to fight with itself. In doing so they may attack and damage the body tissues. If this turns out to be the case, then your body will not accept the dental implant which will be the reason for its failure.
Poor Oral Hygiene
People who maintain poor oral hygiene have higher chances of dental failure. This is because not taking good care of your teeth will cause germs to develop which will come in the way of the healing process and will not let your implant be placed successfully in your jaw. In addition to this if you smoke, then the chances of implant failure automatically increase.
Certain type of medications can come between the healing process. It is, therefore, advised to discuss with your dentist all your medical records so that the treatment plan can be made effectively.
Infection does lead to failed implants but the most common type of infection that can be blamed is peri-implantitis. It is an infection of gums which may occur either during the surgery due to an open wound or after the surgery if the cement is leaked and enter the gums.
Long-term failure
When the implant failure occurs between 1 to 10 years of placing the implant, then it is considered as a long-term failure. The reasons for the same are:
Referred to as teeth clenching, bruxism is the common cause of getting your implants moved from their location. Grinding or clenching of teeth can happen due to various reasons such as stress, misaligned teeth or can form as a habit in general. Clenching your teeth will put pressure on your teeth. Having put pressure on the teeth can hurt the process and this will create difficulty for the jaw to integrate with Implant.
Incorrect procedure
The dental Implant procedure is a surgical procedure which should be processed with the utmost care. For this reason, it is important that you visit the best dental clinic. Because if not done in a proper way, this can cause stress to the implant making it move.
Loss of gum tissues
Because the gums work as the seal for implants, therefore, losing it can only create harm. Your implant will no longer get the adequate seal it requires hence, will eventually fail.
Other issues
If you face some injury or accident then, it can cause Dental Implants to fail. In addition to this if a person is undergoing any radiation therapy then, the head and neck radiations can inhibit the ability of the bones to heal.
We by now know the reasons for implant failure and these are likely to be justified. But the major concern is how to know that you have a failing dental implant?
There are various symptoms to look for which will help in knowing if you have implant failure such as:
- Discomfort in the tooth with Implant
- Shifting of Dental Implant
- Pain in the Tooth
- Swelling in the Jaw
- Gum Recession around Dental Implants
- Difficulty in chewing and biting food
If you come across any of these symptoms then, the chances are that your Implants are failing. And in any such case visit a dentist immediately.