Too much of what is written on the net on how to attract people to your blog is far from real life. As a result, you cannot understand the meaning of these ideas that could be very useful with the right approach. We would like to change this situation, so here is a list of 18 ways that work in making a blog successful and interesting for readers. Of course, the list is incomplete, but this is enough to start!
Tip 1
Be wrong. The world is full of people trying to do the right thing. They have become so familiar that they have already managed to irritate their readers. In fact, people are eager to see those who do something wrong, say something stupid, will be ridiculous. If you have that courage becoming such a person, many will give you their attention.
Tip 2
Be right. Rightness is another great way to attract people to your blog. However, remember: you need to be right and faster than others, explain your position more clearly and be funnier than anyone else.
Tip 3
Express what others cannot express. Real writers can put any ideas into words. Sometimes they forget how difficult it’s and therefore valuable for most people who would give anything for possibility doing the same. But instead, they turn to songs, books, art. Express your ideas in your own way, and you will never be deprived of attention.
Make Your Blog A Success by Doing Something Interesting
Tip 4
Do something! Network people are constantly trying to say something important, but few are willing to do anything or introduce motivating posts. If you crave attention, do not limit yourself in advising from others. Follow your own advice, and then write about it. It would not be bad, holding various contests on the blog or just providing a link on free pokies or other entertainments available online. Examples of successful bloggers prove that this works.
Tip 5
Surprise! The best way for standing out is breaking that “template”. Take an unexpected position, draw a strange analogy, introduce interesting titles to attract people to your blog, or do something that does not look like you at all. If you manage to be unexpected, people will keep their eyes on you. Make various surprises and gifts for readers.
Humor Can Also Make A Blog Successful
Tip 6
Make your readers laugh. Bloggers are serious people. They teach their visitors diligently and often forget entertaining them. As a result, most of the readership sweetly fall asleep. Use humor for waking your visitors! Public speakers have resorted to humor for centuries, which means it will help you too.
Tip 7
Give readers an aspirin pill. The best blogs are as simple as aspirin. Imagine that your reader has a headache, and you have a cure. So share it in the form of a post. Most people read blogs not because they are well done, but because they heal a headache. Conclusion: learn that profession of a pharmacist, not a blogger, for attracting attention. (This is figurative).
Tip 8
Show a (semi) naked woman. Have you ever thought about why images of poorly dressed women are so often used in advertising? Yes, because it works! And they attract all the attention of not only men (which is expected), but also women. It will interest readers.
Tip 9
Tell your readers about who they are. “Who am I?” is not a question, but a universal quest, which constantly determines and redefines each of us. People are uncertain about who they are. Use it! Provide interesting topics about personal growth for getting your readers back to you.
Tip 10
Predict the future. From time to time, make unusual assumptions about the future of the field in which you understand. If you have any authority, people will be interested in you.
Tip 11
Show courage, release that “inner dork”. Do not be teachers who write well-organized textbooks in miniature! In this way, you kill this enthusiasm in your readers. If you want to become famous online, stop being a know-it-all and unleash that “inner dork”, fascinated by what you are doing. Many will find it cute.
Tip 12
Be frighteningly honest. Tell the truth from time to time. Scare with your honesty. Be so honest that people would not know how commenting on this, and your lawyers would ask you to shut up. You will feel relieved. And people will talk about you.
Tip 13
Be disrespectful. Do you how to promote the blog? Laugh at religion, political views, families – anything dear to the heart of your readers. Yes, they will feel offended. And others, at the same time, will decide that it’s funny. If the thought that someone will hate you is unbearable, you do not deserve to own a blog!
A Successful Blog Is For Us!
Tip 14
What should the blog be about? Tell a good story. We were told this so often that we don’t even know why repeating this axiom. But the majority still has not understood this! Stories give rise to, justify your point of view, teach, and entertain people. A good story can make you a legend! No, we are not talking about jokes that amuse the blogosphere, but about this story that will stay with you forever. That’s what people want to hear.
Tip 15
Disprove the proven. For a long time, did something like a hard fact? It’s time, shaking the foundations! Yes, it’s extremely difficult doing this, but such refutations will not only draw attention to you, but they will also make you famous.
Tip 16
Pick a picture. It’s obligatory that the blog features images to attract readers. Graphic content suited to the occasion is a perfect way to get attention. Yes, it takes time, but isn’t this extra traffic worth it?
Tip 17
Master that art of metaphor. Metaphor is the path by which you lead readers to an understanding of your ideas. Learn how to create them, and the trail will turn into a highway connecting people’s interest and your blog.
Tip 18
Put the reader in the first place. Yes, the blogger is you. This is your talent; this is you who works from morning to night. And it’s absolutely not important! The only thing of paramount importance is your readers. With this, you cannot argue.
So, use these tips and get started with your blog. Have you already invented an interesting blog name?
Author’s Bio: LaBonte is a blogger for more than 6 years. Being a professional journalist, he wrote columns for some local newspapers in New York about social events, festivals and other entertainment facilities provided. LaBonte started as a beauty blogger who gained fame for his interesting posts on this topic. Now, he has a couple of blogs devoted to fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and everything interesting to his fans and readers.