The New Year has brought a new shining day to the online businessmen, but with new challenges. As time is passing the new brands are also jumping into the endless space of the digital market. And all of them want to increase their subscriber-ship. But instead of it, the important factor should be to retain the existing subscribers for a longer time on their dedicated platform.
If you are also finding some ways on how to promote a business, then you should adapt push notification as a major marketing strategy. It allows you to send messages to all the people who have your app installed on their phone or tablet. On the other side, email only has a 4% read rate. The push notifications messages are being read 97% of the time. Also, it has proven that many read these notifications within one hour of you sending them.
Hence in this piece, we are sharing some great tips that you can opt-in to increase your return visits through it.
Here you go,
Timeliness is the key
Timeliness is the major factor that should be involved in any marketing program because we all know that everything has its life. we should use its significant impact to have desired conversions. Send the messages to your users very precisely, especially when the users can be involved in it. Study the user’s availability timings, so that it can hit the users at the right time when they are up for receiving and reading it according to their time zone.
Everybody wants a good sleep. If you really care about your users and want to connect with them the nights should be concerned. Also, most people put their cell phones on silent mode when they are sleeping. And the majority of people ignore any type of message at that time.
Moreover, do you think? Anybody has free time to open your message, read it and act accordingly. Being a marketer and a smart businessman you should take these measures into account and plan your push messages campaign accordingly.
It is because a single message sent in the morning can bring several times better conversion than thousands of sent at night.
Don’t go crazy with push messages
We know that you are eager to drive a huge amount of conversion at your dedicated site. But wait, do you know your uncontrolled impulsive nature of firing a lot of push messages can make users quit from your services. The practice of considering the hard limit on multiple pushes in a day is effective. We do understand that sometimes you may feel the need to send more messages regarding your various services. But first, you should understand the user’s behavior so that you can acknowledge them about your various activities with the right time, situation and effective approach. Limit your crazy approach to sending generic push messages.
As a businessman you may think, the more information can drive users to your platform. but believe our experience, it is not the same for all cases. If you carry on to send generic push notification then you might lose your revenue, users, feedback channel and everything. Hence, send them what is most important rather than every general update. Include a strong call to action with your message.
Instead of sending 20-50 push messages to go for 5-10 in a day, this way you won’t be irritating your subscribers and can disseminate important information.
Personalize the content of messages
To make your message more valuable the content of push notifications can be personalized in a way. The content related to news alert, deals, offers can create a productive impact.
To compose your message with a personalization approach you should approach the basic analytics of your users like their age, sex, locality, their preferences. It follows the natural tactic when you know someone, you can create content according to their preference to increase its readability and acceptability.
Various other measures like, from how long your app is installed on a user’s device, on what level his/her presence is on your app, the last usage, etc. These analytics can make your mesmerizing personalized content for your push notification so that you can drive the maximum no of readers.
Personalize with User Name
When you use a user’s name, then you’re indicating that this message is purely meant to the receiver. The best part is the reader takes such messages seriously because their name is the special part, which plays with their psychology to mean it is only made for them and special. And when you can make someone feel special then it means your acceptability has increased by a thousand times.
Introduce offers and Incentive Program
The campaign of offers and incentives is not new but it is 100% impactful, it hasn’t lost its significance in the marketing field. If you want to engage and retain your users then introduce an incentive program. Give them a chance to earn credit points, which they can use later in buying new products from you. Moreover, you can include, specific rewards, promotions, coupons, specialized content access. It will definitely drive you very interesting conversions and encourage engagement.
We hope that our piece helped in every possible aspect of describing the significance of both android or iOS push notification in online business.
Don’t forget to share your feedback with us down below in the comment box, so that we can grow together.