A feeling or sensation of lightheadedness or loss of equilibrium is known as dizziness. Sensory organs like eyes and ears are affected when one feel dizzy, resulting in fainting. Dizziness can be experienced by anyone irrespective of age and gender. Dizziness is not a disease but a result of various conditions.
The underlying cause of dizziness may be mild to severe. The person may experience a sign of sudden dizziness out of nowhere as they can strike the person without any warning.Blurry vision, feeling of lightheadedness, fainting, nausea & vomiting are some of the common dizziness symptoms experienced by a person when the experience dizzy spells.
The signs of sudden vertigo may even make a person lose balance and make him feel dizzy. Vertigo is one such condition that causes dizziness along with spinning sensations. A spinning sensation, where a person may experience whether he is spinning or nearby surroundings are spinning by itself is known as Vertigo. It is often accompanied by dizziness where a person experiences a loss of equilibrium and feels lightheaded. Headaches, dehydration, low blood pressure, etc. are some of the common dizziness causes that may turn serious if not treated on time.
Apart from vertigo, various other conditions lead to dizziness. Sometimes dizziness resolves itself with time if the case is not severe. Repeated episodes of dizziness make it difficult for a person to live with it as it hampers daily activities. Recurrence of dizzy spells indicates a serious condition that needs to be treated on time or preventing the case to become complex. Pay attention to the dizziness symptoms and seek medical help immediately for preventing symptoms to get complex. Nausea, vomiting, fainting, headaches, loss of balance are some of the sudden sign of dizziness that indicates the onset of something serious. You must have been puzzled with how to stop feeling dizzy? If you are experiencing dizzy spells regularly, consulting an expert neurologist is recommended. Your doctor will diagnose the underlying condition by carrying various tests and would suggest the right dizziness treatment accordingly.
Normal routine seems hectic, accomplishing official chores seems to be an impossible task and everyday simple activities like walking, moving head position, driving, crossing the road and so on seem extremely tiring if you are experiencing bouts of dizziness.
Here are some of the common signs of sudden dizziness, which hinders the normal life of a person.
Dizziness signs and symptoms
Dizziness symptoms may last for a few minutes to hours to days depending on the severity of the condition. Fainting, nausea & vomiting are often accompanied by dizziness. Some people may experience a sign of sudden dizziness that can come and go eventually. Dizziness can strike anytime without any warning. Seeking medical help is recommended if you are experiencing severe episodes of dizziness for a prolonged duration. The symptoms of dizziness may get triggered while carrying out day to day simple activities like walking, standing up suddenly or by the change in the position of the head. Sometimes the dizzy stokes are so severe that it requires you to lie down immediately to get some relief.
Apart from nausea and vomiting, several other sensations are experienced by a person having dizziness.
Some other symptoms of dizziness are:
- Lightheadedness and fainting are the most common sign of sudden dizziness
- You may experience severe Headaches at regular intervals
- Sudden sign of vertigo where you experience a spinning sensation
- Loss of equilibrium or you may feel off balance or unsteady
- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or loss of hearing ability
- An infection or injury in the ear
- Head injury
- Sweating
- Wooziness or a feeling of floating
Sometimes these dizziness symptoms are an indicator of a serious health problem. As soon as you start observing any of the dizziness signs, consult your doctor to get the right measures and dizziness treatment and prevent the case from getting complex.
What are the common dizziness causes?
Certain lifestyle habits like excessive consumption of alcohol, anxiety disorder, anemia, heat stroke, motion sickness, side effects of certain medications, migraines, etc. are some of the common causes of dizziness. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of dizziness that can make the person feel dizzy instantly. It can get resolved itself by keeping the body hydrated. It is recommended to drink a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water every day to keep the body hydrated and prevent dizziness.
Medical conditions like Hyperglycemia or low blood pressure are common dizziness causes for patients suffering from diabetes. Eating a sweet stick, if you are experiencing dizzy spells due to Hyperglycemia work wonders and ease the condition.
Apart from the common causes and long hold medical history, disturbance or inflammation in the sensory organs, that are responsible for maintaining balance, makes the person feel dizzy. Some patients may experience sudden signs of vertigo which are often accompanied by dizziness. Vertigo and vertigo related dizziness are caused due to various factors.
Here is a look at more serious dizziness causes that need medical attention immediately.
- BPPV Vertigo
BPPV Vertigo is the most common cause of vertigo dizziness found in the majority of people experiencing vertigo conditions. It is caused due to an injury or inflammation in the inner ear. The deposition of calcium crystals in the inner ear blocks the vestibular nerve that is responsible for sending signals from the inner ear to the brain, which is responsible for regulating body balance. The unclear messages which are sent to the brain often result in making the person feel dizzy. Simple conditions like getting up suddenly after a long seep or changing the position of the head quickly trigger the condition. Consulting a neurologist is recommended to treat the condition effectively.
- Meniere’s disease
A person experiencing Meniere’s disease may experience repeated episodes of vertigo dizziness for a prolonged duration. The fluid build-up in the inner ear can even result in hearing loss or ringing sensation if the case becomes severe. Consulting a doctor is recommended as soon as a person experience symptoms associated with the disease.
- Acoustic neuroma
It is another cause that makes the person experience dizzy spells. Acoustic neuroma
It is a non-cancerous tumor on the vestibular nerve that connects the inner ear to the brain which is responsible for maintaining the balance of the body.
Don’t just keep on thinking about how to stop feeling dizzy if you are experiencing bouts of dizziness for a prolonged period. You should consult a doctor immediately when you experience any signs of sudden dizziness. He will evaluate the underlying condition and would suggest the right dizziness treatment that will ease your condition. Your doctor may even seek your medical history and may even ask you to undergo various tests to treat the condition. Keep calm and discuss the condition with your doctor to get the best treatment for dizziness.