There are various benefits of doing your own electrical work. You save up on money, it’s more convenient than calling in and waiting for the electrician, and (more so) you can call the shots. But this article isn’t about why you should do it on your own; rather it’s on why you absolutely shouldn’t. Those DIY (Do-It-Yourself) shows on the television make the electrical work and repairs seem to be quite easy, but they are far from that. Even though, you feel the work is well within the ability of any average homeowner, you should know, it’s very crucial to do it right. Taking short cuts or going for electrical hacks have a very high chance to result in electrocutions, short circuits and even fires.
According to well-established facts, numbers show that thousands of house fires are caused by electrical fires, each year. And let’s not even get into the number of lives lost. If you are not an expert regarding things like electrical panels, wires, plugs, outlets etc., you should definitely not attempt to do anything to do with electricity.
The most common electrical mistakes that every homeowner makes:
There are quite few such mistakes that most people can’t avoid making when they are trying to do electrical work around the house. Most of us try to attempt these on our own in order to save up the money and hassle. But, in such cases, going the DIY route could turn a very small problem into a huge, costly one. And not just that, tampering with your home’s electrical system could also lead to risking your own safety and your family’s. So, according to us, and most other sensible people, you should consider hiring professional electricians. London Electricians 24/7 LTD are an emergency electrical service. They have over 20 years of experience and provide local electricians who are skilled, neat, and polite.
- Not using junction box: Failure in terms of installing a junction box may be one of the most common mistakes that most homeowners do. Also known as electrical boxes, these protect electrical connections. They successfully contain the sparks or the heat during times of short circuits. These inexpensive plastic boxes can make a lot of difference.
- Installing it wrong: But as you should know, installing it doesn’t guarantee you safety. The main thing is about installing it correctly and fitted such that it’s flush with the drywall. Or else, combustible materials such as wood can come in contact with the sparks. And that’s in no way right.
- Too short wires: Another probable mistake that most of us commit is cutting the wires too short. You should leave enough slack in order to let the wires extend at least 3-6 inches from the electrical box. Wires which are exceptionally short can cause poor connections, creating very hazardous situations.
- Overfilling junction box: Cramming too many wires into the electrical box will do you no good. It’s too dangerous and does not abide by the national electrical code. Plastic boxes come with the volume of wires they are supposed to carry. So, make sure you don’t go over cramming.
- Loose switches: Loose receptacles and switches, along with making your home look shoddy, is quite a potential hazard. The moving receptacles make the wires change their determined position. It makes them loosen up from the terminals. And voila! A potential cause of fire.
- Wire gauges mix-up: Mixing wire gauges is a strict no-no when it comes to electrical circuits. You should make sure to use the same gauge wire all throughout the circuit. This will prevent overloading. Also, take care to choose the right size of the wire for the required amps in the circuit. Keep in mind that smaller the gauge number, thicker is the wire, and higher is the amp capacity.
- Not installing GFCI outlet: A GFCI or a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter outlet monitors the amount and intensity of electrical power that goes from the outlet to an appliance. In cases of even a minute variation, it cuts the power, re-establishing safety. These are most crucial in the places near water sources.
- Unprotected cables: The National Electrical Code specifies that no electrical cables should be left exposed and unprotected. It can get damaged due to several reasons if left out in the open. A conduit is one of the simple fixing options.
Benefits of hiring a professional electrician:
So, now that we have talked about all the potentials mistakes that you could be doing on your DIY route, you might be taking us seriously. Coz, there are times, when even the most experienced of the DIY electricians may feel it’s time to call in a professional. So, if you were even thinking about the DIY approach to some electrical repair work, we advise you elsewise. We recommend you, considering these following reasons instead.
- Safety: First and foremost, hiring a professional is hands down a much safer option to go for. Working with electricity can be quite dangerous, and end up in hazardous consequences. Especially, if you aren’t equipped with the right knowledge, training and equipment. Not only are you risking your own safety but also your family’s well-being.
- Cost-efficient: When it comes to matters in the long run, calling in a professional electrician is much more saving. There are times when you try to do something the DIY way, but then end up calling over a professional after you fail. This failed DIY makes the problem much more complicated than it was in the first place. This makes you incur extra, avoidable costs.
- Troubleshooting: None other than a professional electrician can perform perfect troubleshooting and diagnose what’s exactly wrong with the electrical network. There are many a times, we start with the detection of one problem, and end up discovering a much major cause. A professional can identify the problem and provide the best solution.
- Certification: Licensed electricians have gone through a long period of education, on the job training, as well as certifications before they finally get hold of their licenses. The certificate is a way of declaring that the electrician is capable of delivering a service that’s of a certain standard. And any xyz person can’t deliver the same without those hours of training and experience.
- Peace of mind: And last but not the least, calling in a professional shall get you the much-need long term peace of mind. Having your electrical system serviced by an expert shall help in increasing its lifetime and avoid future problems. You can be rest assured that your work is done in the best and efficient way possible.
So, the moral of this entire story is that — you should get a professional electrician for your electrical work. And you should deter from doing it your way. This will help you avoid all the mistakes that you will be most probably committing. And it shall get you the additional benefits. Trust us, you, your family and your electrical system shall be in safe hands. So, what say? Sounds like a great deal, right?