From running out of funds to getting bored of the classroom, there are many reasons people drop out of college. Luckily, it is never too late to go back to school and pick up where you left off. Working towards a bachelor’s degree can be rewarding in many ways. Not only will you be able to compete with the fierce competition in the job market, you can also expect to earn more and advance your career. With deeper knowledge and a wider skill set, bachelor’s level workers have a wider range of career opportunities.
Here are 6 compelling reasons to finish your degree.
Stay Relevant
You might be asking the question, why should I finish my bachelor’s degree online when I already have a job? With an ever-changing job market, it is essential that you keep up with the competition. Employers across different industries are always looking for the talented and qualified professionals who can add value to their company. A bachelor’s degree can help you secure your position in your current job. With further education, you will deepen your knowledge and gain new skills that will make you an asset to the company you work for. Not to mention, it can also reignite the passion you originally had for your role and help you become more motivated to become better at your job.
Flexible Online Study
Many workers in full-time jobs may be put off the idea of going back to the classroom after years of work. However, a traditional degree achieved on-campus is no longer your only option. There are many reputable higher education institutions to choose from who can offer a plethora of online degree programs. These programs are available part-time and full-time and can be completed during your spare time. This means you don’t have to make difficult compromises, skip out on social events or reduce your work hours. Whether you only have time to study in the evening or during the weekends, online degree programs will cater to your needs. By opting for an online degree, you can strike a good balance between work and home life while furthering your education.
Advance Your Career
When it comes to advancing your career in your current job, simply plodding on and working your way up may seem much easier than earning a degree. However, many organizations require employees to be educated to a certain level before offering them higher positions. In addition, certain job roles require specialist knowledge, which can only be achieved by going back to school. To succeed in some roles, you also need to have relevant skills as well as experience. In fact, depending on how high you want to climb within your organization, simply working your way up can be unrealistic. Adding the credential of a relevant and current bachelor’s degree can open more doors for you in your current organization and help you get that promotion you have been dreaming about.
Lower Unemployment Rates
There is a distinct correlation between people with a bachelor’s degree and people without when it comes to unemployment. For example, those with a college degree have an unemployment rate of 5.5 percent, while workers with only a high school education have a higher unemployment rate of 9 percent.
Higher Earning Potential
Although getting a degree can be quite a costly investment for some, the return on investment is high. However, statistics show that achieving a bachelor’s degree can boost your earning potential. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers with a bachelor’s degree can expect to earn a much higher wage than their less-educated counterparts. With a bachelor’s degree, you can earn approximately 64 percent more per week than people with a high school diploma and around 40 percent more than individuals with an associate’s degree. Overall, there is almost a $24,000 difference in earning potential with a bachelor’s degree. This means you will be earning much more throughout your lifetime if you obtain your degree.
New Career Options
Some people drop out of college and find themselves working in the first fulfilling and easily accessible job that they ind at the time. Unfortunately, over a few years, they may find that the career they chose no longer provides job satisfaction. Whether it’s the employer, the industry, or the actual job itself, there are many reasons why people want to seek a career change later in life. Higher education can give you the means to explore new career paths further afield. With additional credentials comes broader knowledge and new skills, and this can be utilized in a new work environment. People who are dissatisfied with their current employment can seek more exciting jobs if they enroll in further education, and broaden their knowledge and skill set.