There are several reasons why top app development companies usually update their apps but users are sometimes hesitant to install the update whenever they are prompted to do so. May be they are trying to make the best of their mobile data.
It is always good to update the mobile apps on your phone at the first prompt and here is why. Top app development companies do not just update their mobile apps without a good reason. Every update has a reason and here are some of the reasons to update the apps on your phone regularly.
For security reasons
The most important reason why top app development companies update their app is security. It is likely that they have found some security lapses on their app and they want to block the loopholes as quickly as possible. Your information could be compromised if you don’t install the update as well. So, always bear that in mind whenever you are notified of any update.
Fixing of bugs
No matter how long an app is tested, all its bugs can’t be detected. Besides, some bugs are caused by operating system update. So, bug fixing is a continuous affair. That is another reason top app development companies update their app regularly. So, you need to update all the apps on your phone either to fix bugs or to avoid the bugs if you have not encountered it.
To avoid issues
Top app development companies also update their mobile apps when they notice that they are causing problems. For instance, some apps drain batteries, some apps slow phones down, and some apps cause phones to heat up. Since top app development companies always monitor their apps, they may detect a bug and fix it through an update. So, updating the apps on your phone helps to avoid problems.
To enjoy newer features
To keep users engaged, it is necessary for app developers to update their apps with newer features all the time. If not, users could just get bored and drop off. This is necessary for game apps. If you have cleared all the levels in a game, it is not likely that you’ll keep the game on your phone. But when you know that newer levels will emerge soon, you may hold on.
For instance, WhatsApp just included a feature that prevents your contacts from saving your WhatsApp profile picture on their phone. Now, if they need your profile picture, they’ll have to ask you to send it to them. If you have not updated your WhatsApp messenger app within the last two months, it may not have the feature.
OS update
When the operating system of a phone is updated, it is likely that it affects some mobile apps on the phone. This is why top app development companies always update their apps immediately after an update on either Android OS or iOS (for iPhones). So, it is necessary to update all the apps on your phone after an update on your OS.
Response to users feedback
Even if you don’t send any feedback to app developers, some other users do and it is great. Many users suggest improvement ideas to app developers. So, in response to their feedback, the ideas are implemented through an update. When you’re notified that an update is ready, it could be that an idea from fellow app users has been implemented.
To keep up with technology
If an app interfaces with other apps or facilities to perform its purpose, it has to be updated anytime any of the support apps or facilities is updated. For instance, if a particular payment gateway on a particular retail app goes down or it’s no more reliable, the gateway will be removed from the app through an update.
To keep up with new trends
The world is moving toward mobile payment technologies like Google Pay, Apple Wallet, Samsung Pay, and Android Pay. So, every retail app should offer at least one of them or lose its customers. A lot of online shoppers now make use of the mobile payment technologies because they make payment easy and convenient.
When you take a look at all the reasons why app developers update their apps, you’ll figure out that the major aim is to make their app give you its best performance always. This will boost the user experience on the apps.
However, despite the benefits in app updates, there is a flip side to it. Here are a few reasons to apply caution. Don’t just respond to every update that comes your way.
- Updates appear too often
There is a good chance you have updated a couple of updates this week. If you respond to every update prompt, you’ll be expending a large amount of mobile data.
- Little difference
The effects of many updates are not felt or seen by users. You must have updated some apps on your phone without noticing any difference after the update, right? May be you should enquire about the purpose of every update before you hit the “update” button.
- Some updates are just for publicity
Some updates are really no update. They are meant to increase the popularity of an app. Updates to an app make the app trend for a couple of days. Sometimes, app developers push the same apps to users as updates just to increase its publicity. So, if you can’t figure out the purpose of a particular update, you can ignore it. The benefits of real updates are listed in its press release.