SI joint pain, also known as Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, is very unpleasant and irritating pain in your lower back. There are two sacroiliac joints in your lower back, connecting pelvis with triangular bone at the end of your spine. Sacroiliac joints are shock absorbers, which mean they’re constantly under a great amount of pressure. They carry the weight of your upper body, enabling you to stand, walk and shift the weight of your body from one leg to the other.
Pain can vary, from dull to piercing. It can also move to your upper back, buttocks and thighs, causing even greater pain. Main reason for SI pain is inflammation due to:
- Physical exertion
- Physical injury or trauma
- Improper sleeping habits
- Arthritis
- Pregnancy
SI joint pain and benefit of yoga
Yoga is one of the best methods of treatment for SI joint pain. This is scientifically proven. Yoga relaxes your body and mind, bringing the necessary balance between the two. Yoga and physical exercise, when done properly, can improve strength, mobility and flexibility of your joints and muscles. Yoga also reduces stress and anxiety, which can be helpful in the treatment of joint pain symptoms.
One of the symptoms of SI joint pain is back pain that occurs when we sit up or get out of bed in the morning. Sometimes the back pain just goes away by the end of the day, but sometimes it gets even worse. This is very common, but also treatable by applying yoga poses and stretching exercises.
If you follow instructions, yoga can prove to be an exceptional joint soother. Once your bone joint pain is relieved, it is important to continue with practicing yoga. Do not stop with yoga just because you feel better.
These are some of the yoga postures for managing your back pain and bone joint pain:
- Bridge pose
Lie on your back, with arms by your side. If this is your first time doing bridge pose, put a folded cloth under your neck, for protection and stability. Think about the way you breathe. Next, bend your knees, with your feet firmly on the floor. Inhale deeply. Exhale. As you’re exhaling lift your buttocks upward from the floor. When your buttock is lifted, your inner thighs should be parallel with the floor. Pay attention to your breathing. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. The, slowly bring your spine back to the floor.
- Upward salute pose
This yoga pose is simple to do, and it can do wonders for your back and joint pain relief. It stretches your spine, lower back muscles. Start in standing position, with your feet together. As always, concentrate on your breathing. Put your arms upward, above your head, with palms of your hands touching and fingers reaching the ceiling. Make sure that your arms and back are straightened completely. Tilt your neck slightly to the back and look up. Hold this position for a minute. Think about every breath you inhale and exhale. After holding this position for one minute, exhale and put the arms down.
- Cat pose
This pose helps with the flexibility of your back and your spine.
Get on your hands and knees. Make sure that your hands are directly under your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips. Raise your chin and pull your head back. Hold that position. Breathe in. As you exhale push the middle of your back upwards, bending your head to your chest. Do this 10-15 times.
- Downward facing dog pose
This pose will stretch your legs and relieve your lower back pain. Start by standing. Start bending forward, at your waist, and put your hands next to your feet. Your stomach and abs should be touching your thighs at this point. Push your hips up and step back with your feet until your body is in the inverted ‘V’ shape. Hold that position. Breathe and release.
Yoga postures can help you ease chronic back pain and your bone joint pain. It enables you to stretch and rejuvenate your muscles and tendons. Yoga can be invigorating for your body and mind. It tones your body, relaxes your mind and calms your backaches.
Gradually, your body will learn how to react to yoga poses and your back pain will be a thing of the past.
Author Bio-
Margaux Diaz is a Health Adviser. Her inspiring content helps people to know more about her niche. Apart from all these qualities, she loves to face changes in life and believes in the power of self-motivation and social development. Connect with her on Facebook , Twitter and Google+.